Hyunlix-Lactose Intolerance

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Saw this living in my google docs, it's pretty damn old but why naur post it since i won't be able to update much during December. _______________________________________________________________________________

                  Felix was never a huge fan of dairy. There are other things he could enjoy than drinking a whole jug of milk. He was lactose intolerant anyways so it didn't matter unless when he forgot the fact that he was lactose intolerant. Sometimes his stomach won't budge and be fine, or just end up with one trip to the bathroom without anything huge, while sometimes, he would be dying to live and regret his life decisions and cry. This time when he forgot, he was at his dorm, watching movies with Hyunjin. around 11 pm ish. He didn't know he was drinking the milk itself until he realised the hot chocolate he was drinking was replaced with cow's milk instead of oat milk. He hoped he would be fine but his stomach started growling, a little by little, getting louder as it went. he could hear it. not completely sure if Hyunjin could hear it. He sneakly slipped his hands under his hoodie, he could feel his upset inside moving around inside him. The cramping began halfway through the movie. There was still about an hour left for the movie to finish, He bit his lips and swallowed his saliva. His stomach growled once more. He didn't want to ditch Hyunjin in the middle of the movie just to use the bathroom. He didn't want to be sick. It was his only day off for the month and he didn't want to bother anyone.

"What's wrong Lix?" Hyunjin asked. He could see the pain in the younger's eyes. His hands slipped under his hoodie and his leg shaky.

"I- I don't know, my stomach feels sick..." Felix replied shortly and went back to hugging his stomach. it growled, even louder this time, he was pretty sure that Hyunjin heard it.

"Did you drink or eat anything you think was spoiled? any medications maybe?" Hyunjin asked again, he put his hand on Felix's shoulder and pulled him closer.

"I drank milk.... and I'm lactose intolerant....." Felix looked away as he let out a short painful groan. he looked down at the floor and thought about all kinds of things that happen when he ingests milk itself. He was now debating over going to the bathroom or not, his stomach hurt like hell and it was growling.

"Just-.... go to the bathroom if you need to, I won't tell." Hyunjin rubbed Felix's lower back, he can feel the upset organs moving around his body. He didn't tell Felix but he could hear the growling clearly. Felix could feel his inside churning and growling. He hated it every time he was forced to deal with it. He decided he couldn't hold it in anymore so he sat up, and ran off.

"Wait! where are you going?" Hyunjin stood up after Felix ran off to somewhere. He heard Felix shouting back to him. "Bathroom!" he heard. Hyunjin sighed and walked off to the kitchen to look for lactase, hoping they would help.

Hyunjin walked to the kitchen opening every single box of pills and cabinet doors to look for lactase but he couldn't find any. He did buy them a few weeks ago when Felix accidentally ingested dairy and Hyunjin freaked out by the fact that he might get sick before the music bank lives. But that day, Felix must've spent all his luck because he didn't get sick at all, after that dairy ingestion incident, Hyunjin was scared what if Felix gets sick suddenly because of that so he bought 2 containers of lactase, one to keep in his bag and one at the dorm but he couldn't find any. 

"Hyung do you know where all the Lactase tablets went? I can't find them and Felix accidentally drank Milk." Hyunjin asked Changbin who was approaching the kitchen. He looked at Hyunjin and walked to the cabinet where they all put their prescriptions and medications. He dug inside the cabinet, he didn't see any just like what Hyunjin told him.

"I also don't see it but if he already got sick, then use antacids because lactase is something you take before ingesting dairy, is he okay though?" Changbin asked Hyunjin. He just shrugged and went back with the antacid that was barely left. He sat on the bed and waited for Felix to come back.

Meanwhile, Felix was dying in the bathroom. He thought he was going to have to 'go' but instead, when he reached the bathroom, he felt nauseous. He felt the nausea slowly taking over the urge to shit as the urge of having to shit faded away. He swallowed his saliva and slowly knelt down in front of the toilet. He closed his eyes, both hands hugging his stomach and trying to calm it down. He breathed heavily and slowly hung his head towards the toilet bowl, he heaved. Nothing came out. He heaved again. He could only smell the smell of puke but he still didn't do anything yet. He put his arm on the toilet seat and leaned on it. He felt disgusting but he couldn't do anything about it. He looked around, panting, he was now freaking out, he didn't know what to do. 

Hyunjin was sitting on the bed, about 7 minutes passed but Felix was still not back. He was wondering how Felix was doing until he heard coughing. He sat up and ran to the bathroom. He knocked on the door as he leaned closer to the door to hear what was going on. He heard some more strained coughing and Felix dying. 

"Lix, Lix I'm coming in okay?" Hyunjin said before he unlocked the door with a paper clip that was in his pocket for no reason. He found Felix curled up in front of the toilet, some vomit on the toilet seat itself but that didn't matter. He sat beside Felix and rubbed his back. The pungent smell of puke triggered Hyunjin's nose, he gagged but he was fine. He just needed a few minutes to get used to it. 

"H-hyunjin- I- *Gasp." Felix was gasping for his breath. He tried to catch his breath after all the heaving and gagging. he didn't feel worse but he wad back in square one where he felt his stomach growling and hurting but he didn't have to 'go' or puke.

"Hey if you're done let's go lay down on the bed okay?" Felix nodded as he hicced again. He couldn't catch his breath after throwing up all he ate with Hyunjin.  He tried to stand up fast but he immediately regretted as his stomach shot up another wave of cramps, he instinct made him grab onto Hyunjin's arm before a surprise gag came out, another stream of vomit splattering on the floor. He coughed out as Hyunjin was holding him, trying his best to hold up Felix high so he doesn't fall on the cold bathroom tiled floor and gets a concussion or something.

"woah- is Felix- I mean both of you okay?" Chan came into the bathroom after he heard all the noise, Felix was barely standing up even with hyunjin's support. Chan told Hyunjin to put Felix on bed right away and fetch a trashcan next to Felix just in case. Hyunjin helped Felix take off his messy hoodie, his body was hot, Hyunjin wasn't sure if people can get fever from lactose intolerance but he didn't care at the moment. He threw the dirty hoodie in the laundry basket and carried Felix out of the bathroom. He placed Felix on the bed where he let out short grunts strained with pain. Hyunjin went out to the kitchen where he brought a small container with all kinds of antacids and a glass of water.

"Hey, Lix, can you sit up? do it slowly though." Hyunjin asked Felix to sit up. Felix, shaky but slowly, rose up and sat up, leaning on Hyunjin, Hyunjin handed him 2 tablets of fever reducer and 2 tablets of antacids. Felix put one at a time in his mouth, swallowing the water slowly and making sure he only drank enough to swallow the pills. Hyunjin made Felix sit up and lean on something for at least 15 minutes in case and got a clean t-shirt instead of a hoodie since it was getting warmer.

"Lix," Hyunjin gently shook Felix. He was still away but Felix was closing his eyes, his stomach still hurt.

"Yea..?" Felix replied shortly, his voice hoarse and scratchy from throwing up and being tired.

"want me to rub your tummy?" 

"yes....please....." Felix replied, he didn't want to sound like a kid but he would really appreciate it. Hyunjin laid Felix down and laid down infront of him, slipping his hand underneath his t-shirt and gently drawing circles on his stomach with his palm. Felix snuggled in closer for warmth. He was getting better but he had all the blankets, it was late fall and all the members didn't really want to waste too much money on heating so it was pretty cold in the dorms. 

"Jin?" Felix asked as he put a blanket on Hyunjin

"Yea? do you need anything?" Hyunjin asked.

"aren't you cold? you're gonna get your self-" Felix was cut off as Hyunjin sneezed loudly

"AAACHOO-" Hyunjin sneezed loudly, loud enough for people in the whole apartment to hear, he banged his head and hit them on the bed frame. Felix wasn't really concerned by how many times this happened.



tnx for reading :)

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