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It is bothersome.

That was basically how Angelina found her days with the lady and her family.

"Come on! Show us again!"

Was a thing she heard constantly and the problem was that the ladies knew what they were talking about and she couldn't fake ignorance. 

"I am a maid, not a soldier." Was her excuse most of the time and left it at that, tho sometimes it required more.

"But come on, that was neat, show us." For once all the daughters agreed and they had been on her tail since this morning about it.

The days getting to boring to not bother the head maid about something new they only saw a little about. oh the price of knowledge.

Alcina was amused, just sitting in the living room and writing the files Mother Miranda wanted from her, watching the maid do her cleaning while the daughters followed her like two little lost cats.

"The shelves will not fall to pieces if you take a moment to show them, you know they won't leave you alone."

Angelina sighed, this was what she feared, the lady intervening, now she had no others choice.

She set what she held down.

Because Daniela still was hogging her usual coat she had another on so she needed to push the sleeve up to grab the base of the glove and pull it of.

Because Daniela still was hogging her usual coat she had another on so she needed to push the sleeve up to grab the base of the glove and pull it of

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Pulling the second off and slid a knife in her hand, putting her thumb on the blade and pulling it across it before putting the blade away.

With a little shake of her hands a web of blood was created with a strand connecting to each finger and a nice spider web in the middle.

Even so little got 'ooh's and 'aah's from the daughters.

She looped a strand around her finger and snapped to burn it all in a flash, rubbing her thumb for a moment.

"Is that enough for the ladies?"

"As if! That's so cool! How do you do that?" Bella said.

"I just do." Letting the blood flow in her palm in a small puddle, forming balls out of it and chasing them around her palm before flicking on in the air and splattering it on the ceiling, watching it before burning it away too. Sure she told the lady only blood would burn but if wood gets hot enough it can start burning on its own if dry enough. "Just like you ladies can become flies, I can wish the red in me in different shapes."

The rest of the blood back in the closed wound.

"That's neat."

"I wouldn't advise you trying to bite me." Cassandra was getting ideas. "Trust me on that."


"Just do ladies, I have tricks up my sleeve for only myself... Can I got back to my duties?" It was like watching balloons deflate, why was this family so interested in her?

She put her gloves back on, doing as she said.


But her thoughts were elsewhere.

It bothered her that it was Umbrella that came after them, after her.

With modified humans none the less, they wouldn't put them up against the mold without their training not securely ingrained.

There was a new option here. Not them underestimating her, not them overestimating them, not both... But the fact that it might have been to test her and gauge her strength.

Being alone, she touched her face, the bottom of the stitched scar that peeked out of under the eye patch.

She was in the armory, dusty as hell since it was not used but still required cleaning, so she had many reflective surfaces to use.

The worse would be if she got to the point of needing the B.A.E. in a fight, she might be using its abilities but outright dipping into its strengths would come with consequences.

She promised herself it was a no go, for others and her own safety, a true last ditched fail safe.

But what if Umbrella doesn't stop? And she requires it?

Yet another sigh.

She'd be a true monster then.

Why is the world so complicated?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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