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(I feel the need to remind you that I have not a single idea how the castle layout looks like and I am throwing the room around where I want in this story which will become important for this chapter.)

Can it just get more awkward? Just a bit more, come on, you are almost there.

Angelina watched with a would-be sweatdrop down her face as if she were an anime character, how the three daughters huddled, pressed to the window bay to watch her. All she was doing was going to the mentioned shed to check if it had a sickle in it since those were gardening tools.

This family is going to wear her down more like her lady ever could.

She marched through the frozen garden, the temperatures falling even more, even the bloody flowers starting to freeze up.

It took some yanking to open the door as it had been frozen shut.

Looking through the dark shed did let her to find what she came for.

Waving the rusty sickle in the air as she walked back for the daughters to see, knowing it wouldn't matter that it is rusty, it is more to stab anyway that it was used.

She waited for her ladies to get further from the door before opening it, snow brought in by her, as she closed the door.

Suddenly needing to catch the whole weight of Cassandra as she flung herself in a hug.

Angelina quite quickly freed herself, handing the sickle over.

She really didn't like being touched.

She watched Cassandra brag to the other sisters a moment before silently sighing and looking out into the snow storm AND SEEING!!!

Quiet rapidly shoving the girls a bit more down the hall when the hall part with the door and window they were standing near was just... Erased from existence.

The cold winds instantly swept inputting out the fire caused by the blast of that bomb or rocket, whatever it was it exploded a nice hole to the outside.

"Move it!" She said coldly, grabbing Bella from the ground, having been knocked over by her shove and the blast. Having an idea who did this.

The bad news tho, three of theme, was the hall was the only hall leading into the room she was ushering the daughters towards, that the cold was coming in in huge waves and someone chose to blast the castle when lady Dimitrescu was at that blasted meeting in the old church.

This room they entered was a small archive room with antiquities.

She locked the door even if she knew it would be opened soon by whoever did this.

Marching to the unused fireplace and finally putting Bella down near it.

"You two, come here." Talking a bit more like a soldier at the head of operations than a simple maid, none of the daughters disobeyed.

She unfastened her coat and despite it being small for the three, draped it on them, showing that she was actually wearing quite an ordinary black T-shirt underneath is with the knives is cloth sheaths that looked like soft bracers on her arms, having two on top and one on the bottom for six in total on each arm.

She threw her gloves off.

With a learned jerk of the arm on knife slid in her hand, Daniela gasping as she cut herself but there was a biggest gasp when the blood splattered on the logs in the fireplace lit on a purpley-pink fire after she snapped her fingers on the blood.

There was screaming coming from outside as something slammed into the door.

This was a meditated move, knowing when to come after them.

To hurt them.

She won't let it happen.

"Don't worry, just try to stay warm." Slashing her other arm already but holding two knives, the blood pooling around the groves in the knife handle and down the blade to the tip of it but not one drop fell from it. "I'll deal with these uninvited guest." She said as she door cracked under the strain.

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