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Angelina's life was quite monotonous.

She liked that for herself, doing her job and not being bothered.

Today, she needed to go out into the village because Lady Bela wanted a new book the Duke promised to sell to her, and she wanted it now instead of waiting for him to pass by the castle in two days.

"Careful out there, maiden; we wouldn't want damage to come to you." Surprisingly, the lady of the castle was seemingly waiting for her at the door. "And here, it's for Bela, so you shouldn't use your money." She caught the little money pouch thrown the little distance between them.

"Thank you, my lady, don't worry, I can take care of myself."

"Oh, I know that, dear." Angelina felt her little run-in with Umbrella operatives reach her ears, but even as she awaited a question, none came her way; it never did.

"I'll be careful." She said with a slight bow.

"Good, I don't like my property to be damaged."

"I was just lent to you by my lady." She thought but found herself doubting those words: would her lady ever take her back? And how soon that would be?

She shook her head, not wanting to realize that just yet.

"I'll be back before lunchtime."

"Do be maiden, or I'll punish you."

"No, you won't." She said, opening the front door, knowing the lady could take more cold than her daughters.

She took a deep breath and sighed; it felt nice to breathe some fresh air with all the closed windows that the castle had.

She stood for a moment in the courtyard, looking up at the castle, a glint of yellow in her eyes momentarily.

She walked to the main gates and slipped out, walking into the village.


This was not the first time the villagers saw Angelina but it didn't stop them from pulling out of the way and regarding her with the same fear as they would any other lords or someone related to them, it was no secret how much importance Mother Miranda gave this simple maid.

Many knew more then Alcina did about the maid, Mother Miranda was worshiped by the villagers and she needed them alive so who was the best at putting lycans and intruders back in their place? Her most trusted maid of course.

But even that didn't stop the animosity many felt towards her since she was not a human like them all, she was something different from the lord and them, something that shouldn't exist.

Angelina paid no mind to the snow ball a child threw that exploded on the back of her head on impact, it was the least they had done to her. How odd these people were... Crying for her strength when lycans invaded, whispering in fear when she passed them and cursing her existence when all was alright... But she wouldn't blame them... She shouldn't exist anyway...


"Fucking hold her still!"

"Please no! Anything but that!" She felt the heat hover near her skin.

"Like this you'll remember who's your master! Not you! Only Umbrella!"


The Bloody Reaper (Alcina X F.OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя