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(I still have no idea about the plot here, but here we go???)

Angelina had gone to Mother Miranda to give the report of the job being done with no casualties to her followers.

Thinking of this as an excuse to also see her, maybe know why she is not staying to to what her lady asked of her herself.

It was almost like the gates of the dark looming castle opened by themselves at her approach, inviting the unsuspecting and foolish inside, while Angelina was neither of them, she didn't exactly know what would await.

The paved path to it was familiar and cold, lonely, serpentine to a T, the stone carved to look like snake scales and the entrance of the castle was a big door with a stone arch around it looking like the maw of a snake despite her lady being known for birds.

She let herself in, she'd be expected anyway since her lady always wanted to news of the extermination right away.

Angelina was a bit tired from the amount of blood bullet-ed out, not having felt like fighting hand to hand, but it was not enough for the blood loss to be dangerous, that would require a few of her scythes to be discarded and she is keenly away of that, knowing her limits... Having spent long enough with the B.A.E. to know how her body and blood interacted.

Walking through familiar dark halls, passed terrified servants and gloomy interiors, nothing was amiss.

She almost hoped it would have been. It seemed like the castle had no trouble holding up without her here.

Knocking on the great door to the study.

"Come in." She heard.

"I came to report that the lycans have been taken out." Closing the door behind her.

"Marvelous." Miranda took a moment to look up from her work, whatever findings with the mold or Cadou she was writing about probably. "How many this time."

"I counted 34."

"So less then last time, he must be readying himself for a bigger strike." She didn't say anything to that since it was not a question. "How's the hand?"

This question again. Lifting it to look at the once again gloved hand.

"It is fi--" Cut off by a flurry of feathers in her face, Mother Miranda looming over her, wings whipped out, the razor feathers fluttering around.

"How dare you let yourself be hurt?!"

Angelina was slightly taken aback, not expecting such reaction.

"Do you realize how it makes me look? You were my maid but were so simply hurt. It makes me look weak. Had not being here really made her soft?"




You WERE my maid?

Angelina is still her maid, she lent her to lady Dimitrescu, she even heard the daughters' gossip about how loudly her lady scolded the lady for Angelina being hurt.

Did such a simple mistake... Did...

"I was distracted, I'm sorry my lady." She bowed deeply.

"Don't bring more shame to me maid."

"Of course I won't."

"Now leave me be."

Another bow, making her way out of the room, of the halls, of the castle, faster then she thought possible.

Looking back as the outer gate snapped closed behind her.

Feeling a rift crack open between her and her lady, feeling the need to fix it.

The way back to her new lady was more silent then ever before.

"What happened maiden?" Was the first thing she heard as she came in.

She rose a brow on purpose and looked in the mirror nearby, not expecting her new lady to be actively waiting right behind the door almost... She must have dug around to find the letter she got, she knew she should have thrown it in the fireplace instead of a bin.

Tho that was not a surprise, her face was.

Three lashes through her left cheek that she had not felt until she noticed them, with an annoyed glance at them in the mirror, the blood on her face whipped up back into the wound and closed it up.

"Worry not lady Dimitrescu, it is not a risk to my health this time." Reach sharp things can cut without causing pain, which is why her blades are as sharp as they come. No lycan could ever make such precise cuts nor had any gotten to her in that way.

"Those brute dogs couldn't be that precise." Proving that she had indeed gotten to read the letter.

"It's nothing." She said, knowing the face heals better then any part, for now it would be visible but soon it would be like she wasn't even hurt.

"Maid--""It's nothing!" She said with a bit more snap, knowing why she was cut and really not feeling like talking about it.

Not once had her lady lifted her hand to her and now this, it was not a feeling she liked.

For once Alcina truly dropped the subject, seeing the blue and orange swirled in the reflection of the mirror.

Once she wanted to slash the maiden across the face herself but seeing someone else put such a mark on her, the lady was angry enough for both of them.

She didn't stop the maiden from walking away from this conversation. She wanted to ask her about the letter but having seen the blood, it had completely left her mind and now she just didn't stop her.

But she was angry.

For a woman that scared at her for letting the maiden be hurt when it was not her fault, she sure had no remorse doing the same to her most loyal follower.

But Alcina smiled.

Well if Miranda insists on chasing the maiden away she will not complain, she hates sharing after all.

The Bloody Reaper (Alcina X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now