Chapter 2- Fucking Hormones

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Ethan's POV

Nervous. That was the best word I could think of to describe what I was feeling as a walked into the mansion after a trip to town to get some clothes for the girl. It was huge, but it had to be.

I toss the bags on the couch and plop down next to them on the love-seat It's been three weeks since she joined us. And no, I am not Luke Skywalker come to take her to the dark side.

I don't know what to think. Not only did that gorgeous girl stand up to those men, she tried to save Tommy and Alex. It kills me every time I watch the boys go through it, but it was my job and I couldn't exactly help.

Why could that feisty little one see me?

It was strange. Only souls could see me. People tend to think of souls as a glowing beautiful essence, when in all reality it was just you. Your body is but a mere vessel your soul makes when it goes to earth.

I am interrupted by the pitter patter of many pairs of small feet rushing down the stairs.

"ETHAN ETHAN ETHAN!!!" All twelve boys scream at me randomly.

"Shh..." I chuckle and smile at them, "now what is it?" I am immediately answered with twelve excited and very loud replies.

"Boys!" I yell with a smile.

This time I am answered with red faces and the mumbling of ashamed apologies.

"Now, EJ, what is it?" I ask the tiny Japanese boy.

"The pretty girl, she's awake." What!? "She saw us and she asked us what happened and so we told her we didn't know and she was confused and then she messed up my hair and then she asked if there was a big kid around and then we told her you were out," he stops for a breath. Hm. I was only in town for 20 minutes, "and then she got kinda mad and when we asked what was wrong she smiled and asked if we was hungry and then we all nodded and then she went to the kitchen and then we heard you get back and then we all came down and now here we is." I would usually laugh at EJ's grammar, but I found myself unable to today. So instead I ruffled his hair and heard a faint whine about how everyone did that as I dashed to the kitchen.

"Stay in the living room, boys!" I shout back at them when I noticed they had begun to follow me.

As I reach the door I'm suddenly pushed up against the wall with a very large and very sharp knife pressed to my throat by a very attractive and very angry girl.

"Who the fuck are you!? Where am I? What are you doing with those kids?"

"Calm down, tiger." I say with a smirk. It's not like she actually kill me. I'm an angel, she's dead. Big whoop.

She swiftly grabs a handful of my hair, slams my head into the damn wall, and screams at me, "Answer me!!" Ouch. What a bitch. I always knew beauty was only on the outside.

I was a little pissed off, so I did the exact opposite of my plans to gently explain everything to her, I looked her in the eyes and told her coldly, "You're dead."


Calla's POV

As I wandered downstairs in my nasty, bloody clothing looking for any form of life, I felt myself admiring how beautiful this mansion was. All of the decor and design was very modern, but the structure seemed very classic, as if it was from older times. It probably was just remodeled after hundreds of years of standing tall and gorgeous.

I was interrupted from my deep thought when I heard a small giggle. I wasn't worried though. It seemed like it was from a child, a little boy, perhaps.

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