Izuku opened his mouth, his lips shaking. But before a single word could exit his mouth, something echoed in his mind. 'He's worthless, Inko, how can't you see that?!'

Izuku let out a pained breath and his shaky eyes darted to the ground. Wrinkles had formed over his pale forehead. What was that? Who was that? Why...did his voice sound so familiar?

"Oh, Deku!" Bakugo shouted, reaching out and grabbing the boy in front of him by his shirt's collar. "Don't You Dare Ignore Me!"

Izuku was confused. What was Kacchan talking about? He only stopped paying attention for a moment to think about what he had heard. His breath stuttered. How long was he thinking to himself?

Bakugo let go of the white fabric but made sure to give Deku a quick but harsh shove. "Tsk, if you think showing your Quirk changes anything," he said as he spun around. "Then you're dead wrong," he growled as he began walking towards U.A.'s gate. 

Izuku was left alone, not quite sure what he did that made Kacchan so mad. But that wasn't the only thing racing his mind. That voice...it was so familiar, and he said Mom's name. Izuku shook his head, and took a deep breath hoping to calm his nerves. Hopefully whatever it was wasn't anything important. Hopefully. 


Izuku, absent-mindedly, walked through the apartment door. "I'm home!" he yelled. Izuku then made his way down a hallway until he was in the living room, where he heard his Mom making something in the kitchen.

"Welcome back!" Inko cheerfully yelled out. "So, how was the end of your first week?" 

Izuku heard a faucet turned and the sound of running water came to a stop. "It was good," he said. He wasn't lying either. It had been a good week, up until his run-in with Kacchan. 

Inko emerged from the kitchen, a frown present on her face. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Nothing happened?"

Mother's intuition. Great. Izuku turned to hide his eyes, pretending to watch something on the TV. "Nope, nothing important," he said. Izuku could feel his Mother's eyes watching him like a hawk. She knew something was up; it was only a matter of time until she pieced it together-

"Is it Katsuki?" she asked with a deepened frown.

Crap! Izuku knew it was only a matter of time, but he didn't expect it to happen this soon. "What?" he closed his eyes and forced a smile. "No, of course not. Kacchan and I are...good." His voice was higher in pitch and his head slightly tilted down towards the ground.

Inko cast a scrutinizing look at her son. She could feel her throat tighten with a knot forming in the pit of her stomach. After a long drawn out moment, she finally said, "Alright, if you say so."

Izuku felt his face lighten up. "I'ma go drop my bag off in my room," he said pointing to his door back down the hallway. "Be back in a bit." Izuku strolled through the hallway with caution, his heart pounding in his chest. As he gingerly turned the doorknob of his room, his gaze darted down the hallway, a flicker of anxiety in his eyes, ensuring that his Mom wasn't following him. After deeming that she wasn't, he walked into his room and closed the door behind him. 

Izuku let out the biggest sigh he could as he tossed his bag onto his bed. He didn't enjoy lying to his Mom, but there were a few things he refused to bring up in her presence - his real relationship with Kacchan being one of them. Izuku walked over towards his desk and rested his hand on the wooden material. His eyes jumped to both his Hero Analysis books and his other, more personal, journal.

"Might as well get it over with," Izuku told himself as he pulled his out and took a seat. He then spent the next hour coming up with the best way to describe and write about his day. A bright smile emerged on Izuku's face. Within this journal, he had the freedom to express himself. He could write whatever without fear of judgement. It was bliss.

Very few people knew the real reason behind the journal. That was a secret Izuku kept very close to his heart. He was scared of how people would react and treat him if they knew the truth behind it all.

"Day 5: Done," Izuku said as he leaned back and stared towards the paper with a smile. That smile quickly faded as he darted his eyes towards the ceiling. "With the USJ incident over-with and the Sport's Festival in a few weeks, I doubt anyone really cares anyway," he told himself before taking a breath and rising from his seat. "Yeah, everyone's probably too busy with their lives right now," he let out a small laugh. "I shouldn't be selfish."


"With my journey at U.A. well underway, and the Sports Festival on the horizon, I can't wait to spend more time with everyone and get to know them all better! I just hope that that goes both ways."

-To Be Continued-

AN: Hey guys, The Lemon Here. Just wanna quickly say: Thank you all for reading this story; it really means a lot. If you have any ideas/suggestions on where you want to see the story go, feel free to leave a comment and let me know. I already have a sense of where the story is headed and how it will conclude, but I'm eager to weave some of your ideas into the narrative before reaching the end. With all that out of the way, I hope you all have an amazing day!

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