The First Page

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I don't remember much about my Father, as he died when I was barely two years old. But, from what I do remember, he would always wear an angry expression on his face accompanied by an empty bottle in hand. Knowing me, I probably always used to wonder: "Why is Dad mad?" Only now can I look back on things and realize: He was mad at me. More specifically, he was angry that I was born quirkless.

I try not to think about it, but sometimes I wonder: did I strain my Mom's and Father's relationship? My Mom, bless her heart, will swear up and down that I didn't have any negative impact but...I don't know. There's a certain sadness and misery in her eyes when she speaks about my father or the time after my birth, before his passing.

Of course, it's always possible that she just looks like that because she gets reminded of his passing, but I don't think it's that. I think it's more. The way she looks, it's almost like she's searching for something lost. Like, she wants to say something, but the words are never there. Like she wants to apologize, but doesn't want to remind me of something terrible.

Maybe it's nothing. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing things again. Heh, I've always had a 'creative' and 'out-going' mind. I do hope I'm wrong about my Mom; I desperately want to be. To be honest, I don't know what I'd do if I found out I strained their relationship. It haunts me sometimes. Jeez, look at this mess. I guess you know why I try to avoid thinking about this stuff.

Anyway, I should get going. I'm pretty sure Uraraka and Iida really want to hang out. They're my friends now, by the way. Sorry for not mentioning that sooner. It's crazy to think that someone like me can even say that now. Man, U.A. sure is weird.

- Izuku Midoriya | Page One: Complete


For years now, I thought I understood the unfair hierarchy which dominated schools. However, being at U.A. has quickly shown me just how wrong I was. Of course, there were certain groups that were more popular than others, and yes, there might have been instances of minor bullying, but that was something present in every place.

What wasn't normal - and what I can't quite wrap my head around - is Kacchan not being on top. Granted, he still acts that way, and isn't afraid to tell people to, 'Go Die!' but for the most part, people just laugh or shrug his comments off and continue on with their day-to-days lives. For me however, I can't quite do that.

You see, Kacchan loves control; he always has. So for him to not be able to control everyone like they're his pawns definitely ticks him off. Which, inevitably, ends up finding its way back to me.

"H-Hey Kacchan!" Izuku said. His voice was high-pitched and reluctant. He closed his eyes, wore a forced smile on his face, and rubbed the back of his head. 

Bakugo scoffed. His eyes were narrow, and his face was tense. He was - quite visibly - pissed. "Oh, shut up!" he yelled.

Izuku jumped in his skin. His eyes were open, and his arms were brought to his chest. He let out a fake laugh. "S-Sorry," he murmured.

Katsuki spun around and faced Izuku. U.A. laid in front of him, and the orange tint of the sky splattered against the windows. "Tsk, you're pathetic, Deku," he growled.

Deku. Izuku shivered and lowered his gaze towards the ground. He hated that nickname ever since he was a kid. It was a constant reminder to himself about how pathetic he used to be. But now, the name took on a different meaning. It was now the name of a Hero, or in the very least a Hero-In-Training.

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