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3:46 PM




Ranboo sat in their uniform, staring at their phone.

Practice would start in 14 minutes.

Ranboo let's out a sigh as he keeps on staring at their phon-

"Hey!" A voice said from above them.

Black curly hair, tan skin, black t-shirt, and the uniform reading 'Easton Garcia' on it.

"Hey, Easton.." Ranboo sighs as he sips some of their water.

"Hey! Why so blue?" Easton asks as he takes a sip out of a redbull, "Want one?"

"Nah.. I don't drink energy drinks.." Ranboo mutters.

"Alright, open up. Why are you so sad for?" Easton questioned as he takes a sit next to Ranboo.

"I-I don't know-" Ranboo mumbles, "It's nothing really.. The vibe is just.. Off today."

Easton raises a brow before speaking, "Yeah, I don't think so." He chuckles, "Now tell me, what's up?"

"Easton, I-"

"Nahnahnahnah- I know you're one to lie about your feelings, but I'm not allowing that right now." Easton smiles before ruffling Ranboo's hair.

"Fine.. You're pretty cool- and well.. Everyone loves you. How..?" Ranboo finally asked as he turns to Easton.

"Well- not everybody loves me.. The football team- hell- all of them don't like me, the cheer team has something against me, and I don't know what, and.. Half of the guard team doesn't like me either." Easton shrugs, "But I don't let that get to me. But what do you mean 'how'?"

"I mean, how do you do it? Everyone- well, almost everyone likes you. How do you manage to get on their good side?" Ranboo asks as the ball lands in front of them.

"Hey! Can you pass me that?" A guy asks before Ranboo throws it at him.

"Thanks!" The guy grins as he serves it.

"That's how." Easton laughs.

"What do you mean?" Ranboo questions with confusion as Easton takes another sip.

"Do acts of services, big or small. Like throwing the ball at the guy who asks you to pass it, that's why everyone on this team likes you so much." Easton explains, "You can also go to parties and shit- but I don't think that's your thing."

"It's not.." Ranboo sighs as he stares at the clock.


"Where's coach Jenkins at?" Ranboo asked.

"Don't know, but he should be here soon." Easton says, "Oh- and.. Is the competition against Lyer on saturday?"

"Yeah, 2:00 PM." Ranboo answered before take a sip of their water, "Why?"

"I forgot the schedule, and I don't wanna piss Jenkins off again by asking for another copy." Eason says as he let's out a sigh.

"Hey, Easton!" A guy says as he walks in with a group, all of them exchanging high-fives with Easton.

"See ya on Sunday?" One of the guys asked.

"Yeah! Just hit me up if you want more of that stuff- if you know what I mean~!" Easton grins mischievously as the group walks away.

"What do you mean 'stuff'?" Ranboo asks out of curiousity.

"I think you know what I mean." Easton answers with a chuckle.

"WHAT?!" Ranboo shouts, only to cover their mouth immediately.

"You sell drugs?!" Ranboo says as he connected the dots.

He really didn't wanna say it at first, not wanting to piss of Easton.

But he didn't think he was right!

"Yeah." Easton chuckles, "I make quite a lot of money. Do you want some? I'll give you some for free."

Ranboo's eyes widened, staring at Easton with pure shock.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Ranboo says in a low whisper.

"Calm down, you don't gotta buy them." Easton states, raising a hand up in defeat.

"Just shut up.." Ranboo mutters before leaning against the wall more.

"Hey! Everyone on the floor!" Coach Jenkins says as he enters the gym.

"Give me.. 3 laps and start warming up!" Jenkins said as he sits down on the bleachers.

"You wanna run together?" Easton asks.

"Sure." Ranboo sighs as he finally gets up.

7:02 PM

Ranboo walks out, taking note of the rain and putting their hood up.

"Hey! Do you want a ride..?" Easton asks as he glances at Ranboo skateboard getting wet.

"Yeah.. I didn't know it would rain today.." Ranboo returned.

"Cmon." Easton shoots back as he leads Ranboo to his car.

Easton's car was rather nice.

It was grey, not small but not big, had this shiny grey that made it look like it was cleaned just a couple of days ago, and spotless windows.

"Just put your skateboard in the backseat, you can sit shotgun." Easton smiles as Ranboo complies.

Easton soon turns the car on, the quiet noise of Alex G in the background.

"Thanks.." Ranboo mutters out.

"For what?" Easton asks, looking at Ranboo through the mirror.

"For driving me.. I was just gonna walk in the rain.. But you came. So.. Thanks.." Ranboo says as he stares into the darkness.

Easton smiles, "You're welcome."

He then pauses for a little while before speaking again.

"You know.. You remind me of someone.." Easton admits.

"Really? Who? Ranboo questioned as he turned to Easton.

"I don't know who exactly.. You just do.." Easton tries to explain, "That doesn't make sense, does it?"

"Nope." Ranboo chuckled, "But it's good enough."

"Alright.." Easton laughs, "This is your neighborhood, right?"

"Yeah, the white house on the end of the road with the garden."

"You know.. I forget how rich you are." Easton laughs.

"Wait- not in a gold digger type of way-" He immideatly says.

"No, it's fine, East." Ranboo grins.

"East?" Easton pointed out.

"Shut up, asshole." Ranboo nudged him before Easton parks in front of their house.

"Right here?" Easton asked.

"Right here." Ranboo answers.

"Alright, bye!" Easton smiled.

"Bye!" Ranboo smiled as he takes their skateboard and into the house.

"Hey! Its raining out, you ok?" Matthew greeted him as he mixed what looks like cherries and sugar together.

"Yeah. A friend drove me." Ranboo answers.

"What are we having for dinner?"

"Charlie is picking up some Chinese food."

Sex, Drugs, EtcDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora