Easton's Shadow

46 4 39

MARCH 16, 2024, 4:21 PM

Devon stares at his food.

He was in a booth at Nozu's, across from AJ.

Someone so loving yet so toxic..

What if he's the toxic one, though?

He basically cheated on AJ 3 days ago..

Suddenly, someone grabs Devon's hand.

Devon let's put a sharp gasp of suprise, looking up to see AJ.

"Are you ok?" AJ asked with a concern look on his face, "You haven't had a bite of your food.."

Devon stays silent before taking his hand back, "Yeah.. I'm just.."

Devon looks at his food then back at AJ, "Im just not that hungry."

"Devon. Eat your food." AJ practically demands.

"I-I will.. I ju-"

"No. Eat it right now."

Devon nods, taking one bite of the sushi.

Without full house, Nozu's felt different.

There wasn't anyone to go get soft-serve with and be a big back, there wasn't anyone to talk to about certain people, there wasn't anyone that Devon could talk shit to.

It all felt so odd.

"You look upset." AJ says, his eyes staring into Devon's, "Why?"

"I-Its ok.." Devon mutters with a small laugh, "I'm fine."

"No. Tell me what's wrong."

AJ grabs Devon's wrist rather rough.

A small wince of pain from Devon.

"AJ, let me go." Devon says in an instant.

AJ's grip seemed to get tighter, "Tell me what's wrong."

"No! It's fine!" Devon yelled as he tried to take his hand back, "Let go!"

"I'm not letting go until you tell me what's wrong."


AJ let's go of Devon's hand, holding his cheek.

"AJ.. I'm sorry.." Devon mumbled.

"You fucking bit-"

Before AJ could hit Devon, he was grabbed by 2 workers.

"Sir, calm down." One of the workers say as AJ struggles against their grip.

"I am calm you fucking bitch!" AJ snarled, resisting even more.

"Pay for your food and get out." The other worker said.

"Fine! This place is shitty anyway!" AJ shouted as he gets carried away by the workers.

Another worker comes out.

A lady with dark skin, curly dark brown hair that was tied back into a bun, a white button-up shirt along with a black tie, black pants, Mary janes that pulled the outfit together, and finally, a badge..


"I am so sorry for what happened.." The manager states.

"It's alright.." Devon chuckled, "It's not your fault."

Destiny smiles at the other as she continues, "Your meal is on the house. Please take this as a special thanks for not causing a scene. Although, I am going to have to ask you to leave. Would you like a box?"

Sex, Drugs, EtcNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ