Chapter 1: The Ultimate Life Form

Start from the beginning

Amy: Alright we decided to stay and give it a shot.

Abbs smiled at them.

Abbs: Thank you, I promise you won't regret it, just trust the video.

She held up a remote

Abbs: Is everyone ready? (everyone said yes) Ok, let's start.

The screen lights up, the Moon shines bright as Shadow walks up to an edge of a cliff looking over a city.

Abbs paused the video and turned to the group, sighing already knowing what was going to happen.

Sonic: Shadow!?! Really!?! I don't want to watch him and I'm sure no one else wants to either.

Sticks: Yeah, why would you have us watch this villain, especially when he's most likely an Alien!

Eggman: Hey speak for yourself, I however am excited to get to know more about Shadow.

Sonic: Abbs you didn't tell us it was Shadow, can we watch someone else like me?

Knuckles: No, do me, I am the leader of Team Knuckles after all.

Abbs: I already told you that if you wait and watch with an open mind you understand, besides don't you want to see if you can find any weaknesses to him?

The team went quiet, they all struggled in the battles against Shadow in the past, knowing a way to defeat him would be useful.

Amy: ...Well we already agreed to watch, and we shouldn't go back on our promise.

Sonic: Fine, I stay only to learn how to defeat Shadow.

Abbs: Thank you, like I said before you won't regret it.

She hits play and the video starts up again.

The screen changes and the words about 50 years ago appear.

Tails: 50 years ago? I'm pretty sure Shadow wasn't around 50 years ago, I mean he's the same age as Sonic. What happened 50 years ago and what does that have to do with Shadow?

Abbs: You'll see.

The Space Colony Ark is shown.

Eggman: Woah, what a magnificent ship, and it even looks like me.

Sticks: Why does it look like you, unless you're an alien and that's your mothership!

Sticks was about to attack, but Abbs stepped in front, pausing the video once again.

Abbs: Sticks he wasn't alive then, and that is not an alien ship. *Sigh* Maybe Sticks should have sat this one out, oh well too late now. Anywho, that is The Space Colony Ark, it was designed by someone you will see soon, who actually is related to eggman, his grandfather to be exact. They look at her stunted, eggman had a family?

Eggman: My grandfather? My family never told me anything about him, only that he was a genius like me.

Abbs: Right you are eggman, but he used his skills to help others instead of hurting them. Are we ready to start again, I don't want to keep you here longer than needed.

The group nodded, Abbs started up the video, and a voice was heard.

???: Some time ago professor Gerald Robotnik was appointed to lead a top secret project at Space Colony ARK Creating the Ultimate Life Form.

Sticks: He's working for the government! You said he wasn't evil!

Abbs: and he isn't, he was forced to work for them on that project.

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