Chapter 9

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The next morning, I found only Shawn and Lucas seated at the dining table, I grabbed my tray of food and took a seat opposite Lucas. The greetings were cold and so was my response. I decided to tell Shawn about my latest discovery.
" Shawn" I started, he looked up at me and nudged me to continue speaking." Well, I wanted to tell officer Joe something. You see last night I was just thinking and I figured out that whoever killed Fred wanted to kill you and Anna, that's why they planted a bomb on Fred's body cause they knew..............."
" stop" Shawn said interrupting me " just stop, I don't want to hear anything about last night........ so just stop!" He yelled the last phrase.
" but, you don't understand, this is really good information. It could help with their investigation " I said
" What does it matter anyway, he's gone, even if the killer is caught, it can't bring him back..... this is just a waste of time" Shawn said slaming his fists on the table which caused me to flinch.
I took a deep breath and shut my eyes, then I opened them back." Don't you want justice for your father, don't you want to punish his murderer, whoever murdered Fred is still out there!" I said making the last statement a bit louder.
" I'm not sure why you care so much, it's not like he's you're father or something " Shawn snapped
" whoa, okay Shawn you're taking this a bit too far" Lucas said.
" and I'm not sure why you care so little, you're father was murdered on the night of his birthday, he was slaughtered like an animal, if anyone should be looking for justice and answers it should be his only son" I said
" and how exactly does this matter concern you, can you please tell me how exactly you are related to my father?, what relationship do you share?, how is this even any of your business?, this is a family matter stay out of it" Shawn said rudely, he stood up to leave.
" so you're saying I'm not a part of your family " I said also standing up, Shawn stopped walking and turned to face me.
" yes!, that is exactly what I'm saying, you're just a stray kid, who got sympathy from a really nice family.... I regret the fact that you were ever brought into my home!" Shawn spat
" Shawn, what are you saying?" Lucas said getting up.

His home, its his home, not mine.

Shawn was right, what the hell, was I doing here.
" I understand you are mad right now but if you say one more hurtful word to me I will give you the slap your parents refused to give you years ago " I said.
" you'll slap me?, who the hell do you think you are? The daughter of a president, lay a finger on me and you'll regret your existence " He said walking towards me.
" do you think I'm afraid of you?" I said walking towards him too.
" you should be!" He raised his fist in the air to show me that he could hurt me within seconds.
" you're just a fucked up ass hole " I said anger rising in my voice.
" fuck you bitch!" He said raising his voice and his hands, he sent a slap across my face, and without hesitation I returned it back.
" you slapped me" He said, his hands still on his face
" you slapped me first " I reminded him.
" screw you!" He said grabbing me by the neck.
" Shawn!, stop it!, what is wrong with you " Lucas said trying to pull Shawn away from me, I struggled to breathe, I looked to my left and saw a fork on the table and without thinking, I picked up the fork on the table and stabbed his hand, he instantly leg go off my neck, I stumbled backwards and gasped for air.
" Ahhhhhhhhhh!" He said holding his hand which was now bleeding.
" Shawn!" A feminine voice called, I looked at the door and saw Sophie running towards Shawn, her red hair bouncing behind her.
" what did you do to him?" She said shooting me a deadly glare, she bent over Shawn and took his bleeding hand in hers.
" I'll get the first aid box " Lucas said heading upstairs.
" He was being such a dick, he slapped me, said some hurtful and mean words to me, he was strangling me, that's why I used the fork to protect myself...... have I done anything wrong. " I said
There was silence.
" I'm sorry " I heard Shawn say " I'm sorry, really sorry, I overreacted, it's just...... I have anger issues, please don't take any of this personal, I didn't mean any of what I said. Forgive me ...... please "
Lucas came in with the first aid box and dressed Shawn's wounds.
" it's not nice to vent out your anger on people..... but it's fine " I said. Shawn's words had hit me hard but I didn't let it show, he was right, this wasn't my family, this wasn't my home.
" where's Anna?" Sophie asked trying to change the subject.
" she's up in her room, I haven't seen her thus morning " Lucas said.
" I'm going to go check on her " Sophie said climbing up the stairs.
I glanced at Shawn, he let out a grunt as he sat down on his chair. " I'll call officer Joe, later in the day" Shawn said forcing a smile. I nodded slowly.
" looks like she wacked some sense into you " Lucas said.
Shawn shrugged.
" MJ " Shawn said softly " please don't try to run away
again "
I was going to have to, I don't belong here, It was his home not mine, no matter how hard I tried, I would ever fit in.
" I won't" I said getting up, I headed for Anna's room. The door was shut, I knocked and waited till I got a response.
I pushed the door open,Anna was in her bed, her eyes were heavy and little dark circles had appeared beneath them, she looked pale.
Sophie was seated next to Anna, she was stroking her hair softly.
" Anna?" I said as I sat on her bed. She turned to face me, she held my hands in hers and smiled sweetly.
" you saved me last night.......... thank you my sweet child " she said, the sweet smile instantly disappearing.
" you didn't sleep?" I asked staring at the dark circles under her eyes.
" I couldn't " she admitted.
" you need to eat something" I said
" I don't have an appetite"
" Sophie, her food is in the kitchen, would you mind grabbing it" I said to Sophie.
" sure " she said getting up and heading out the door, a few minutes later she came in with a tray of food. She handed it to me.
" here" I said handing Anna the tray. She shook her head.
" for Fred, he wouldn't be happy if he found out that you're not eating " I said.
" fine " she said taking the tray of food and she started eating.
I watched her eat and I couldn't help but smile. I knew it was cruel to leave her in this state, was I doing the right thing?, I just hope I don't give her a heart attack or something.
She finished her food, Sophie took the empty tray and headed out.
" MJ.............don't ever leave me " Anna said holding my hands. I felt my heart skip a beat as she stared into my eyes. She would be heartbroken, I shouldn't leave her especially not in this state, but I don't want to stay, I have to go.....
" promise me, promise me that you'll never leave " she said staring into my eyes.

I can't do this.

I stared at her hands which were in mine.
" I promise"

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