Chapter 6

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   I woke up, feeling disorientated. I tried to open my eyes, they were heavy, I moved my arms and legs, they were weak, but not hurt. An deam light flickered through my closed eyelids. Slowly I opened my eyes, the light stung. My blurry vision began to clear. I looked around to see where I was. Hospital!. How did I get here?.
The wards door swung open and a nurse came in, she was holding a tray. She walked towards my bed and placed a hand on my forehead.
" how are you feeling now?" She asked
" How did i get here?" I said sitting  up.
" you were brought in, by two teenagers. Don't worry your parents are on their way"
" what?, last thing I remember I was running down a dark path and something hit me..... real hard "
" you have a concussion, you need rest "
I placed my hand on my head, it wasn't hurting at all.
" can I speak to those who brought me in?" I said to the nurse. She nodded, then she went out of the room, a few minutes later, Lucas and Shawn burst into the room.
" Thank goodness you're awake " Shawn said walking to the bed.
"How did he get here? " I asked Lucas who was standing right next to Shawn.
" He was there, when we were running, someone hit you in the head and ran off, you passed out, I dragged you down the dark path, and somehow Shawn found us" Lucas explained.
" how did you find us?" I asked out of suspicion
" Lucas didn't turn off his tracker, so I tracked you guys down, to that very location. What were you doing there in the first place? " Shawn said.
I knew he was lying, there was no way he could track us to that very location, and also how did he get down there  he could have jumped into the ditch, he was there before we fell into the ,I knew he was lying but I pretended  to believe him.
" my childhood house was located in that forest, I was showing Lucas the way out,  then we fell into a ditch." I said
" well, mom and dad are on their way , I called them already, they should be here any moment. I still can't believe you ran away " Shawn said with that disappointed look on his face.
The wards door swung open, Anna and Fred rushed in.
" MJ, thank goodness you're okay" Anna said rushing to my bed and painted my face with her lip gloss.
" why did you run away, we were so worried,you didn't answer your phone, we called the police, they told us to wait for 24 hours....... I'm so glad you're okay" Fred said.
" I was going to come back" I lied
Anna glanced at Fred who was standing behind Lucas, the back at me.
" the doctor said you have a concussion, how is that possible?"
"I don't have a concussion, I'm fine, let's just get out of here"
I said getting out of the bed.
" but....."
" I said I'm fine!" I said a little too loudly.
An akward silence followed. Everyone in the room was glaring at me, like I had just rosen from the dead or something.
" I'll speak to the doctor" Fred said breaking the silence and heading out the door.

      We arrived back at the house later that evening, I didn't speak to anyone, I just walked upstairs and locked myself in the room. Anna called me down for dinner, I told her I would be there but I slept of and totally skipped dinner.
I woke up the next morning, feeling quite hungry, I freshened up and went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was seated at the dining table, I was greeted by a series of
"Good mornings, how are you feeling?"
I just nodded to anything any of them said, I sat down and ate my breakfast in silence, I completely zoned out from whatever conversation they had going on. My mind was more focused on what I had seen the previous day, in that underground basement, the men dressed in black and white, their chanting, the  revolting about something in the centre, what they said, I couldn't help but think about the phrase they were chanting. How was all this connected to me?, to daddy?, to home?. The questions burned in my mind, I thirst for answers but I had no idea where to find them.
" MJ!!" Anna yelled my name, almost screaming.
" what ?" I asked, everyone was glaring at me, I realised Anna had been calling my name for a while now.
" I've been calling you for about thirty seconds but you seem lost in thoughts, are you okay? " She said.
I nodded.
" I was talking about the plans for tonight, you know it's Fred's birthday and were having a party......."
" Happy birthday Fred " I said with no emotions attached.
" Thank you MJ " Fred said clearing his throat. I felt bad and I wished I could take back my harsh birthday greetings but Fred didn't seem to mind. " what is wrong with me" I asked myself,  this family has been so good to me but I still treat them like crap, I wished I could be better, I really did.
" so" Anna continued " we would be having a lot of guests tonight, I would love you to meet all of them, some you know and some you don't know. I picked up a dress for you at the mall, yesterday, I'll be glad if you wore it"
Every year on Fred's birthday, Anna would always throw a party for him, inviting his favourite people, most times I only stay half way through the party, I spend the other half up in my room.
I sighed deeply hoping this year wouldn't be any different.
I dumped my half eaten breakfast in the trash and went back to my room. Not too long I heard a knock, I had expected that anyways but not too soon.
" it's opened " I murmured
Fred came let himself into my room. He smiled at me and took a seat on my bed.
"I'm sorry about how I acted out there, if thts why you're here " I blurted.
" I'm kinda used to you being cold, so it's nothing" He said grinning.
" I honestly didn't remember that it was your birthday" I said not looking at him.
" it's fine, but you still owe me a birthday gift "
" birthday gift, seriously? " I raised an eyebrow
" don't worry, I'm not going to ask too much " He said smirking. " I just want you to stay till, the end of my party, please, you don't have to talk to anyone or do anything, I just want you to stay........please"
Considering the fact that I never gave him a birthday present and how rude I have been acting lately, I did owe him, didn't I?
" I'll stay " I promised.
" fantastic, I'll go tell Anna " He said getting up and walking towards the door, before he left " one more thing", he turned his head and said over his shoulders " You're a courageous girl, never stop being that" and with that he was gone.

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