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"Take me home, home where I belong, home where I can smile, home where I can be happy, home where everything is alright, home where I feel peace, home where happiness is free, home where I belong "

"Mj you are not weak, you are not a coward, if you die you will only prove them right.... if you die, that means you are a coward, wake up!"
He sounded so far away, I was going, slipping away, the darkness took me, I was fading, it was time to face it, it was time to face my greatest fear.......
This could be the ending, it would all be over, everything,
"She died ....the end ", was I really going to let that happen?, was I really going to give up?, was it really going to end this way?.
I stepped into the darkness, I could no longer hear him, it was quiet and peaceful, I heard a river not too far away, I followed the sound, but it was leading nowhere.
"Are you lost?" A voice called out of nowhere
" I think I am " I said
"You're looking for the river, isn't it?"
"Yes I am " I said and watched as the light appeared, I could see the tracks leading nowhere specifically
"Take this path " the male figure appeared and pointed to a path adored with dandelion.
"OK "I said heading for the path, the moment I set my foot on the tracks I jerked back to reality, my dad was there,

"So you're not a coward " he said holding my hand

I looked down at my stomach which was bleeding. I tried to get up but a sharp pain shot me back to the bed

"You haven't fully recovered yet, you need treatment, but not now, we have to leave, we don't know whats coming next, we have to go ....... Now!" he said helping me get out of the hardwood bed, he carried me to the car and went back inside, he packed all we needed and got into the car, then he drove off.
"Where are we going ?" I said trying to ignore the pain, he drove faster ignoring speed limits and traffic signs.
" we are going home love..." I could hear the smile in his voice
"Home? Really?...... To see mom and Peter ?" I asked excitedly
"Yes, we are going home, at last, we would see them again"
"Yay!" I yelped with joy
Dad drove very fast like if he didnt, some monster would jump out of the woods to attack us, he drove so fast, it felt like a jolly ride.
"Yay go daddy " i said happily, the pain in my stomach began to subsidise, i was feeling much better now.
Suddenly dad hit the brakes, i looked up and saw that we were being blocked by a black car, two men got out of the car and came towatds our car.
"Shit!" Dad muttered under his breath
The two men came to our car and swung the door open,they forced dad and I out of the car, then before i knew it a gun was pointing at our heads.
"Don't hurt her please " dad begged the men.
" oh we wont only hurt her, we would kill her too " one of the men said.
" let her go " dad said jumping at both men and kicking the gun out of their hand, but he was slow the other guy shot the bullet at his right arm, he was bleeding.
"Run MJ, Run !!! Run far away and find home "dad said, holding his arm
" dad, no !!!!!!" I screamed
" MJ go!, i promise i wont die, run now, find home, ill meet you there .... I promise "
It was wromg, but i didn't have a choice"
" I love you daddy, forever and always " and i feared those would be my last words to him, as i ran down the street, i heard gunshots, and i let the tears drop, it was too much for a seven year old to take.

I ran as fast as i could, away from all of it.
""Find home "" those were the only words on my mind.

A Place Called HomeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum