𝟐𝟏 : PRANK . . .

244 20 4

[11 Apr '24] Y'all know me!

. . .

"Come on! Come ON!"

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!"

You tore down the corridor, Arabella hot on your heels.

"Are you ready?!"


"Get ready!"

A whole crowd of Gryffindors was racing after the three of you, wands raised.

"NOW!" shouted Lucy.


"Merlin's loins!" Arabella clapped her hand over her mouth and began to laugh so hard that she seemed to forget the rest of the plan. The Gryffindors, standing flabbergasted in their pyjamas, had all suddenly gone startlingly bald.  

"Bella, the eggs!"

"Right!" She slashed her wand through the air and the cartons of eggs under her other arm began to fly up above the heads of the students, who looked up with genuine expressions of terror.

Crack, crack, crack, crack!– multiplied by a charm of Lucy's, hundreds of eggs began to drop down and crack over the gaggle of freshly shiny heads. 

Spitting yolk from his lips and half-blinded by goo, one older Gryffindor pointed his wand in your direction and began to yell some jinx.

"Protego!" you screamed at him, "Run, girls!" And you all took off again, not stopping even to breathe until you were down the Slytherin steps and in your dorm, where you and Lucy doubled over and held your stomachs, feeling massive stitches in your sides.

"That.." said Bella, only somewhat out of breath– curse her for being the Quidditch player– "was fockin' excellent."

"Blimey," said Lucy, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. "I hadn't imagined they'd be so ugly. Do you think the maneo spell will work? I mean will they stay bald?"

"I bet it will," you answered, and pulled off the hood of the Ravenclaw robes you'd been wearing. Vivi had lent you them for the prank, even though it was sure to cause a war between their houses. You grinned. "At least for a few days, then I'm sure Madam Pomphrey will be able to fix them all up."

"Mat's going to kill you," Lucy snickered.

"Oh, sod him, he needs a good reminder that his girlfriend's still a Slytherin," said Arabella.

"Sure, he does. Ginny too, eh?" As your friends removed their robes, you pulled on your pyjamas and curled into bed. "Cheers, girls."


Breakfast in the Great Hall the next morning was a glorious occasion. Not only had Vivi told the Ravenclaws about the prank, so that the whole table was smiling over at the three of you, but the Gryffindors that had been affected were late coming in. When they finally did arrive, hoods pulled over their raw-looking heads, every student in the Hall turned to stare at them.

"Hoods down!" cried Snape, on his usual parole around the tables, and for once you were happy to have him as head of house. "Goodness, Longbottom, you look more and more like your grandmother every day."

The Ravenclaws snickered loudly; the Gryffindors shot them scathing looks.

"Don't you feel a bit mean?" you asked in a low voice.

"Nah, this is what we were born to do," said Arabella, "and besides, look, their heads are red, like their house colours. I'd say we did them a favour."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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