𝟏𝟓 : HOSPITAL . . .

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That morning, it became very clear exactly where Draco was. In fact, he was the center of attention: he and Pansy, who hung on his arm and fed his breakfast to him in the Great Hall, kissing him between bites.

Your jaw literally dropped as you walked in; Arabella had to smack it closed as you took your places at the Slytherin table. 

"That's not.." you began, "am I seeing things?"

"No," said Lucy, lips pressed disapprovingly together. "It looks like Draco and Theodore must've had a nice long talk about who got to be with Pansy."


You could hear conspiratorial chatter all over the hall, especially at the younger end of your house's table. "She's been chasing him forever," you heard someone say. "I heard she finally put out," said another voice. You fought the urge to go bash the second-years' heads together, instead sitting stock-still and gripping your fork so that your knuckles turned white.

"Poor Nott," said Arabella, with half of a sunny-side up egg hanging from her mouth.

"I have to go see him."

"At least wait until after breakfast," begged Lucy, placing a pale hand on your shoulder. "You'll need food if you've just been stupified..."

"I have," you said defensively, leaning forward so her hand slipped off of your robes. "Draco twat Malfoy..." After angrily stuffing a too-large spoonful of beans into your mouth, you noticed your friends' eyes on you. "Whud?" you asked. They glanced at each other.

"Nothing," said Lucy, "just that you look like you're about to avada-you-know-what someone right in front of us."

You shrugged, and then felt yourself soften slightly. "Sorry," you said after swallowing the rest of the beans. "I just.. well, I've never been attacked before–"

"We know," Bella said, raising her eyebrows.

"And I just want to find out what really happened."

"..Sorry we weren't there," whispered Lucy. A few students around you had leaned in upon hearing the word "attack". 

"'S alright. Listen, I'm going to–" You stopped abruptly. Someone further up was leaning back from their spot at the table, trying to catch your eye. Those dark eyes... You blinked and they were gone; he was back in his spot. "Why did Blaise just look at me?" you asked. 

Arabella twisted round and looked at him. "You sure 'e did?"

"Pretty sure."

"What sort of look?" asked Lucy, seeming worried.

"Like he was trying to tell me something, maybe? Er– nevermind, it doesn't matter." You shook your head and stood up. "I'm going to see Nott."

"Okay.. be careful."

"Sure." You grabbed a piece of toast and crunched into it angrily as you walked out of the Great Hall, throwing one last glance back at Draco and Pansy. Was her laughter genuine? You couldn't imagine that the Pansy from the summer who had called Theodore "a good friend" was now slobbering all over Malfoy. What has he done?

And Blaise?


Crossing the corridor with broad steps, you pushed open the doors of the hospital wing once more and stalked directly over to a half-curtained off area in which you could see Slytherin robes at the end of a cot. Blaise would have to wait. An image of him guiding you to see stars from the astronomy tower came to you, but the memory was quickly filled with light and washed over by a memory of you and Matheus from the summer. You literally shook the ideas out of your head as you approached Theodore.

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