𝟏𝟏 : SUMMER . . .

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[12 Oct '23] Thank you, thank you, thank you.

. . .

Summer term made its graceful entrance after a final blaze of exams and heat. You had never been happier to get off the train at King's Cross, being exhausted and– you couldn't kid yourself– even a bit homesick. With the regular promises to write and kisses on the cheek from Lucy and Arabella, you hoisted up your trunk, skipped down the steps and found your parents.

"There's our little one!" exclaimed your father, immediately taking your trunk from you as you busied yourself with hugging your mother.

"Ow, mum," you winced, pulling back. She had tugged on a strand of your hair and was squinting at you curiously.

"Sorry. Just making sure you haven't cut off all your hair in an ugly bob and tried to magic it back on.. or something..."

"Mum," you groaned, "that was first year, and it was an accident! You know I wouldn't.." but she was grinning, so you just laughed back. 

"Come on, then," said your father, turning and nodding to the far left. "The car's just over that way..."

The drive was not very long, but you savored every moment, twisting your hand around in the open window, catching the air through your fingers. The windows in the buildings that flashed by reflected the bright sun, heating you and filling you with the sense of being in a very dense and warm cloud. You often wondered why you'd been put in Slytherin house, but you could at least rule out that it was because of some love for dark, slimy, windowless basements.

Upon your arrival at home you were greeted by the unexpected sound of barking– or rather, yapping– coming from the kitchen. "What is that?"

Your father, slightly sweaty from having to lift your trunk for the second time, smiled and flicked his hand at the kitchen door, which opened. Out came a whitish honey-coloured cocker spaniel, short but jumping up in an attempt to reach you. Immediately you dropped to your knees and began to pet the dog. "Who is this," you rephrased in a baby voice to the dog itself.

"We're calling her Vee, for Veela, get it?"

It was true that the dog was very beautiful, with large glassy eyes and pretty white paws. She was panting and began to spin in circles, chasing her own tail.

"We got a little lonely while you were gone," your mother added. "She's been a real delight." Her eyes shone.

"God, she hasn't replaced me, has she?" you smiled, raising your eyebrows with fake worry.

"Never, never. Well.." she laughed, "no, never. But come on," your mother moved to the kitchen, sticking the door open against the floor with her foot, "eat something, you must be starving. And tell us how your year was, go on."

Your father nodded, leaning on his favourite olive green armchair. "Did you make lots of friends?"

"Ah.. I was mostly with Bella and Lucy, like always. I made some new friends in Ravenclaw, though."

"Ooh!" exclaimed your mother, back turned as she washed a bowl of cherries in the sink. She was a proud Ravenclaw, almost as proud as your father was a Slytherin. "Anyone I know?"

"No, probably not, mum, I think you're a few generations too far back for us."

"Baah," she shook you off, "you know what I meant. Janet's girl is in your year, isn't she? Or was she in.."

"She must be in seventh year by now, no?" asked your father.

"Merlin, really? That sounds so impossible. Hm..." Vee, tired of spinning, was now back to jumping on you, and you slumped all the way onto the floor so she could lick your face. "Careful, she's still only one and we don't want to train her to go licking everyone.."

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