𝟐 : CYGNUS . . .

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Arabella agreed with your other friends that Blaise was just acting how boys acted, which further confirmed your theory that you were simply making a big deal out of nothing. That didn't stop it from hurting, of course, because when you passed Blaise, Draco, and Pansy in the corridor next day, Blaise didn't look at you... but, you reasoned, this is what you had signed up for in the first place.

That was something you didn't think about very often. It wasn't very fun getting together with him the first time, surprisingly. It was rather awkward, actually– he didn't know much about you, but you had been watching him for about a year at that point– I mean, who couldn't watch Blaise Zabini? From a distance he was perfect: smooth, dark skin, a tall and muscular frame, white teeth that flashed when he smiled, and the perfect reactions in every situation (smirking when your friends giggled at him, laughing when his friends poked fun at second-years, nodding and looking studious while speaking to teachers).

Up close was a little different– he became uncomfortable by small things, like you being too affectionate in public (which you quickly learned to stop doing); he hid things from you, and hid you from his friends; he ignored Valentine's Day.

In the end, though, he was still the most handsome and charming sixth-year boy there was, at least in every Slytherin girl's opinion, and you had him.

More or less.

I won't even get you started on Daphne Greengrass.

So, Blaise ignored you in the corridor, Arabella had too many assignments to get anything else done, and all of your other friends seemed to have disappeared for the day. They were probably off with non-sixth-year boys– in fact, you had caught Lucy, another girl who you liked just as much as Arabella, snogging some fourth-year boy just the other day. He had been a Ravenclaw, though, so you chose not to bring it up afterwards.

Your classes were fast, and between them you lounged outside of classrooms, avoiding the gaze of any passing non-Slytherin teacher, because they were quick to dock points from Slytherins for anything.

You were seeing Blaise again at night. This both excited you and wrecked you, for though the head-over-heels stage had begun to wear off, you still got butterflies when you thought about him. It would forever be the question– did he feel the same?

"Astronomy tower," someone beside you said. You looked up.


"Astronomy tower," the person repeated, sounded exasperated. It was Blaise. His mouth hardly moved as he spoke, and he didn't look at you, only at the other students walking by. "Tonight."

"Instead of the common room?" You asked, wondering if the hopefulness you felt was projected in your voice. Did going to the astronomy tower mean that he wanted to see more of you? Wanted to go on an official date?

Blaise didn't answer; he only sighed and pushed himself off of the wall, smoothly joining a crowd walking down the transfiguration corridor.

Well, if he was asking you on a date, that was certainly an interesting way to do it. And an interesting time, too. It wasn't yet a weekend, not even a Friday night. What was he planning?

A few hours later, you had found Lucy outside of your dorm and gone in with her.

"So he just said 'tonight?'" She was asking incredulously, as she fiddled with a hairband, trying to make it invisible in your hair.

You nodded. "Just 'tonight' and 'astronomy tower'. Then I asked, 'not the common room?' or whatever, and he just left."

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