64. - So.. I was Wisked to a Hidden Dungeon?

Start from the beginning

Glad you like it Master.
Guess my idea of using [Venom Control] to form extraordinary weapons was good after all.

"Yeah, yeah - Take as much pride as you want in this, just be careful to not become the Sin of Pride."

I commented, before making the venom spear to disappear.
I'll be honest, for a while now I was wondering on what to do with my [Venom Control] skill, since I had begun to use it less and less as I obtained more powerful skills.

Then, Ancient One had recommended me to use it to create weapons made from this Venom, which, just as displayed just now, worked like a charm.

The weapons themselves don't seem to have that much attacking power, however what they do have is great sturdiness and also a bonus effect of badly poisoning those that live an attack from these weapons.
Basically, if one sustains even a small cut from one of these weapons, powerful poison will be instantly released into that persons or monsters system.

However... As seen just now, those effects can't take effect if I one shot things.

'If anything, these weapons will prove more useful against foes that are able to live my more powerful attacks.'

I thought.

After that all, I quickly grabbed my [Devourer] bonus from the dead badgers.

Experience threshold has been reached.
You have risen to level 87.

Two levels?
From just practically foot soldiers? Not bad..

It may be because the monsters are high leveled.

Well no shit.

I sighed again, before continuing on to the next tunnel, which led to the next room inside the dungeon.

For most of the first couple rooms, I simply practiced using the new 'Venom Weaponry' I was able to create to get better at utilising each weapon I could create.
During this time, I also came to the conclusion that I was best at using weapons with long handles or such.

Basically, I was best at using Spears, Halberds, Sythes - stuff like that.
And unironically, I was actually the worst at using any type of sword - regular swords, greatswords, rapiers, etc.

And then when it came to stuff like Daggers, Short swords and everything else that wasn't spear type weapons, I was pretty mediocre at using.
Though, I was shockingly good at aiming with a bow, however that was mostly because of Ancient One helping me by improving my vision.

Eventually, after descending down what had to be over 23 or so floors, I reached a much, much larger room, which also just so happened to contain a statue in the middle of it, as well as a much larger door behind it.

I've been in enough dungeons - as well as watched enough anime and stuff - to know that this room right here, was a mini-boss room.

And just like clockwork, the moment I stepped into the room, the exit behind me shut close as the statue sprung to life.


I thought, before exhaling and creating a Venom Sythe.

The statue slowly broke off its stone exterior, before spreading out a pair of giant wings and taking into the air, shrieking towards me.
After a quick Appraisal, I was able to deduce that this creature, was a Greater Gargoyle.

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