"Huh? How is it possible.. I mean Lan Zhan is just my friend." Said Wuxian.

"Wei Ying.." called Wangji, it more sounded like a cry.

Wuxian turned to look at Wangji and saw that Wangji's eyes were glossy and his ears turned red.

"Lan Zhan.. why are y... *Wangji hugged Wuxian* what the.. Lan Zhan leave me" said Wuxian tried to push Wangji.

"I love you Wei Ying.. I love you. I don't want to be just a friend to you, I want you to be my wife and I want to become your husband. I love you Wei Ying not because of this what Sizhui said but I loved you from the very first moment I saw you in Yiling market. I always tried to find you but the only thing I had of yours was your earring. I really really love you Wei Ying." said Wangji.

"L-lan Zhan.. y-you.. *Wuxian didn't know what to say because she is speechless* Lan Zhan listen to me." Said Wuxian sighing internally.

Wangji let go of Wuxian and looked down trying not to make eye contact with Wuxian. Not just with Wuxian, he didn't wanted to make eye contact with anyone please there.

"Lan Zhan.. it's.. it's good that you told your feelings but.. I need time because I just met you plus I don't know if I am worthy enough for your love. We can just become friends first then proceed further.." said Wuxian.

"Okay Wei Ying.. I understand. So.. friends..?" Asked Wangji extending his hand to Wuxian.

"Uh.. yes.. may be I am your first friend ever because I head that you never went out of Cloud Recesses and making friends is a far away thing." Said Wuxian accepting Wangji's friend request. Wangji nodded in Yes to Wuxian's statement.

"Well so I guess you both are friends now so let's proceed with the main thing and the main thing is that I and Xichen Shūfù time traveled and came in the past. We are from the future and I am your son Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian." said Sizhui.

"What are you saying Sizhui..?! It isn't possible to time travel." asked Wangji because he could not believe.

"Fine you are not believing me then let me show you both the actual things happened in the past means what you both have to face in your future." replied Sizhui.

Sizhui looked at ChinSu and ChinSu snapped her fingers and a mirror came infront of Sizhui. He placed it in the center of the room and asked Wangji, Wuxian, ChinSu and Xichen to sit down side by side and he sat infront of them.

Sizhui made a cut on his hand and allowed two drops of his blood to fall on the mirror and then he recited a spell which was made by him only to see past or future. Then the mirror acted as a screen which showed every situations which had occurred... Which were in his and his uncle's memory as they both concentrated in the process while sitting in Lotus position.

WangXian were shocked to see all the scenes because they both saw the same scenes in their dreams also.

"T-this is the exact thing which I.. I saw in my dream." said WangXian together.

"Yes.. because it is the future for you all and past for us.. you guys saw these scenes because the one who allowed us to time travel wanted you both to be aware of the upcoming things beforehand." Said ChinSu.

"Gēgē.. " Wangji went and hugged Xichen. Xichen also hugged him tightly.

"Don't say anything A-Zhan.. you don't have to say anything because your eyes convey everything you have in your heart. And I can read your face plus eyes very clearly. Be it in that timeline or be it in this timeline." said Xichen.

"ChinSu.. you are my younger sister then.. I am your Jiejie. I don't know anything just come to me and give me a tight hug." Saying this much Wuxian burst into tears while hugging her meimei.

WangXian Season 2 :- Changing The PastWhere stories live. Discover now