Clowns and acrobats performed around them, lights of color blasted in their faces. A man spit out fire in front of them as the box got moved away discreetly. At first, (y/n) was mesmerized by the costumes but her excitement vanished when she saw the audience.

They were forced to applaud when a sign was lifted. They all looked scared and some were crying. There were men, women, elderly people and even kids.

The crowd cheered against their will and (y/n) took cover behind the adults. She whispered to her plushies "play dead", and the tree fell limb in her arms or on the ground.

Luffy clapped enthusiastically, Nami lowering his hands as it was inappropriate in the moment.

A man walked on the stage "No. No, no, no, no, no." He had a long red coat and a clown-like pirate hat with blue stripes of what could be mistaken with hair hanging on each side.

"Stop clapping! No, stop! It's all wrong!", he yelled angrily. The audience ceased their clapping. "The spotlight was late. You completely missed my entrance", he listed out.

The clown pirate did aggressive signs from where the spotlight was to him since it didn't move. With a screech, the light turned to him. "And where, oh where was the dancing..." he began, exaggerating every syllable as he walked closer to the sheep-man who was holding the 'applause' sign, getting in their face "...lion?"

"Heyyy", Luffy spoke up and all heads snapped to him. "I know you. I saw your wanted poster in Shells Town. You're the clown guy. Um, uh... Binky, right?"

"Buggy", the clown corrected, looking almost disappointed. He walked closer to the quartet, leaving the sheep-man alone. "Buggy the Clown", he introduced himself as if he was some kind of legend.

"Buggy, the Flashy Fool" , he continued since no one recognized him as Zoro and Nami side-eyed each other. (Y/n) tugged on Nami's hand. "Who's that?", she whispered. Nami shrugged slightly.

"Buggy, the Genius Jester." Luffy looked at the clown. "Wow. You have a lot of names", he said. "I bet everyone in the East Blue knows who you are."

The audience gasped all at once at his fatal error. "What did you just say?" Buggy asked, his smile faltering. "Just that everyone knows who you are", he repeated himself.

"Nose?!" Buggy exclaimed, taking Luffy's cheeks in his hand. The circus members approached them, holding childish but deadly weapons. The crowd began to murmur among itself.

"Are you making fun of my nose?" Buggy asked threateningly. Luffy answered, his mouth squeezed like a fish. "Well... I wasn't. But now that you mention it, is that thing for real?"

He lifted his hand to touch Buggy's nose but he slapped his hand away. "What's real is I've been scheming for months", Buggy began, pushing Luffy away. "to steal that map from old Axe-Hand Moron" he raised his voice as he got in the face of Nami.

He walked away chuckling. "Only to find out that I was upstage by three little nobodies... and a kid, who stole in from right under my no— No! It's in my head now. Gah!" He turned away and walked before Luffy stopped him.

"Hey! I'm not a nobody. I'm Monkey D. Luffy. And I will be King of the Pirates." Buggy started to laugh out loud. "Oh!  Now that's funny."

The crowd forcefully laughed to immediately stop when Buggy closed his hand, like a maestro.

"My bounty poster graces the marquee of every Marine outpost for miles", Buggy monologued as he wandered around them. "And my menagerie of outcasts and freaks is the most dreaded pirate crew the East Blue has ever known. I am destined to find the One Piece. And when I do..."

Buggy maked a pause. "I will be King."

"No, you won't", Luffy intervened. " 'Cause I'm gonna find it first", he announced proudly. "You? Don't make me laugh."

The audience again fake laughed. Frustrated, Buggy turned to the sitting crowd. "I said don't make me laugh!"



i tried to make (y/n) interact more with the characters and IDK AAA

yoo as a required reading in English class, i got to read The Inheritance Game

A.k.a. THE BOOK that i wanted to read but i couldn't since it was always rented at the school's library and there's not much books in English at my town's library

am happy :D

you know you should put a star to this chapter cuz i really did a good job (self confidence is important)

have a good day byeee

words: 1401

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