Happy Birthday, Giyuu!! 🌊

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"Ara ara~ Tomioka-san what are you doing at the butterfly estate so late?"The butterfly girl asked."I- " Before he could complete his sentence Giyuu started feeling weird and found himself falling, Lucky Rengoku was there to get his injuries checked and had seen Shinobu and Giyuu and was about to go to them when he saw Giyuu falling backward and caught him."Woahh are you alright there Tomioka?" No response. "Kocho ... " Shinobu just looked at Giyuu and told them to come inside. Shinobu spent most of the night just checking up on him and seeing what was wrong with him but found nothing strange.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Shinobu woke up to a child screaming. "W-where am I? Where is Sabito and Urokodaki-sensei?" The child asked on the verge of crying. Shinobu wanted to know how he got here too but knew this probably wasn't the best time to ask a crying child this. "Umm.. you're at the butterfly mansion right now... maybe because umm... Urokodaki-sensei sent you here to be with us hashiras for a day" Shinobu said smiling."Hashiras!? Do you mean the strongest demon slayers?? Woah that's so cool Sabito and me are gonna be one of them in the future for sure!!" Giyuu said happily. "Well you will be a good hashira Giyuu-kun," Shinobu said. She thought that the child resembled Giyuu a lot so it might just be his past self. "You really think so?" Giyuu asked. "Of course, you'll be the best water hashira there is ... but Giyuu-kun who is Sabito?" Shinobu asked since Giyuu never mentioned that name to her."It's my best friend we train together under Urokodaki-sensei's care," He said while grinning.
Shinobu just stayed shocked at the fact that Giyuu does have friends and about how adorable his past self was, but at the same time she wondered how this cute and happy self of his ended up so emotionless in the future. Maybe she could get some information from his past self but for now, she had to look after him and keep the little guy happy.

"Kyaa!!! mini Tomioka-san is so adorble!!" Mitusri said hugging the life out of the little guy while Obanai just glared at how lucky the kid was to get affection from Mitsuri and not just any kid it was Giyuu. "Mitsuri-chan let him go now" Shinobu chuckled while saying that."Ehh... Gomenasai!!! .... how embarrassing.." Mitsuri said and flushed. She let Giyuu out of her grasp and looked at the cute little kid. "But how did even happen," Mitsuri asked a bit worried. "Tch... that stupid guy probably got himself caught by a blood demon art," Sanemi said annoyed. Shinobu just thought about it for a minute. "Your probably right Shinazugawa-san he was on a mission alone earlier," Shinobu said agreeing with him. "Tsk... damn idiot" Sanemi mumbled. 
Giyuu just looked around nervous. He felt so much dominance coming from each of them. He could feel the strength of each of them just by looking at them. "Woah... all of you hashiras are so cool. I wanna be friends with you all!!" Giyuu said and hugged them. All of them just looked at each other. It felt weird seeing Giyuu like this and asking to be friends with them. "kyaa!! of course giyuu-kun!!" Mitsuri said while Sanemi and Obanai just felt a bit creeped out by his cheerfulness.

 "Oi Tomioka why did you decide to become a demon slayer," Sanemi asked curious. Giyuu suddenly went quiet which made them worried. "You don't have to tell us mini Tomioka it's fine," Rengoku said trying to get his cheery mood back."I... Tsutako nee-san got killed by a demon but nobody believed me ..... when I tried to tell everyone in the village they said things like I'm crazy and said I'm mental? ... they were about to send me to my aunt who's a doctor ...... luckily I escaped and met Urokodaki -san" Giyuu said finally smiling and looking at them. " What about your parents?" Uzui asked. " I never met then it's always been Tsutako Nee-san and me but I love her so much so I never felt the need for them to be there," Giyuu said shrugging. "Oh yea pretty lady here really reminds me of nee-san," Giyuu said pointing at Shinobu. he  then hugged her."Nee-san!!" Giyuu said looking at her and giving his cute smile.
The way that Giyuu called Shinobu nee-san reminded her of herself. When she would often call for Kanae but now ... knowing that they both lost their sisters made her realize how similar they were. She felt like crying but she knew better than to do that in front of all the hashiras so she just bent down to Giyuu's level and hugged him. 

The hashiras spent most of the time trying to get to know him better and find out the reason for all the things he does now because the master had given them the day off to take care of little Giyuu. Shinobu got to know that the red side of his haori is from his sister just like how she wears her sister's haori... she probably guessed that the fact that Giyuu acts so emotionless is because of the death of his best friend. That's why he never mentioned him otherwise giyuu's personality would have stayed like how he is right now. .... and the other half of his hoari in the future must be of his best friends since he didn't have it right now. Honestly, after all the hashiras found out about the truth they just felt a bit bad for him Sanemi did pity him a bit but he still thought that it was no excuse for him to act all high and mighty and say things like he isn't like them.

"Tomioka in the future you always say that you aren't like us ...why ...do you really think you're gonna be that much better than us?" Sanemi asked the boy. Giyuu seemed confused. "Did something happen in the future? I don't think that's what I meant ... in mean, I promised Sabito that I won't ever think I'm not good enough so ..." Giyuu said thinking about what Sanemi said. "Wait I asked you why you think you're so high and mighty not that you think you're weak or not good enough-," Sanemi got cut off. "Alright here mister white hair man I know what you asked. And Tsutako Nee-san taught me well enough to never tell someone is weak and all... She told me that we should help the weak when we can and we shouldn't think we are more powerful than others so I won't even say that stuff... you probably misunderstood me  .. hmph" Giyuu said crossing his hands and turning away from him. "I don't like you anymore mister." He said pouting. Sanemi chuckled. " Childish ..." he said but then he thought about what Giyuu said. If what he was saying was true then maybe everyone owned him an apology. 

The rest of the day was spent by them playing with Giyuu and talking about stuff again. It was pretty fun to see this side of Giyuu, they kinda hoped that the version they knew would start showing him this side and get comfortable with them soon.
The ended and suddenly Giyuu started glowing ... "Prettyyy... I guess I'm going back to Sabito and Urokodaki-san now ... Bye bye Hashiras I'll see you in the future and I hope to see Sabito that time too." Giyuu said as the light spread all over making everyone not able to see anything for a few seconds, when the lights finally dimmed and everyone opened their eyes again they saw the giyuu they knew standing in front of them confused about how he got there and what had happened.

"Welcome back Tomioka-san" Shinobu smiled at him and said. "What ... happened?" He asked a bit confused. "Ekkk!! I wanna tell you!! we met your past and then we talked and I got to play with him and we talked and talked!! his smile was so cute!!!" Mitsuri went on and on about all the things they did together but the only thing that Giyuu understood was he turned into a child. 
"Oh.... so did he tell you anything .... " Giyuu asked looking at Shinobu. "Well, we know a few stuff Tomioka! but do not fret much about it alright!" Renguko said answering for Shinobu. "Right... " Giyuu thought. 

Although Giyuu never found out what his mini version said to all the hashiras he was kinda glad he did because everyone was pretty nice to him now. It was a bit strange and weird for him in the start when Sanemi and Obanai would ask him to hang out with them and like how everyone would call him for the group meeting .. he kinda enjoyed the company now and he did loosen up around them a bit more. Shinobu and Giyuu also got pretty close in those few days and after a month or so Giyuu finally found the courage to ask her out and well .. they got together. Yes they fought against Muzan but nobody died this time. .. Everyone got the happy ending that they deserved and they all lived happily ever after<3

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