Akako {1}

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It was mid-summer day. The sun seemed to barrel down on me as I watched the students work on forms. Every hit landed on the wooden Dummies with sharp, cruel sounds that I was sure would be horrifying if anyone was close by who didn't know what we did here. Blow by blow as they call out techniques and movements—some work with others, and some focus on breathing. I was proud of them all. They are so young and yet have such strength and determination. I often feel pride since I feel all this was taught by Kyojuro, My husband. The one man who had gotten ahold of my heart so long ago when we were younger. Now that we were both Hashira and married, we opened our own school to teach new Slayers. Something I had brought up as a joke, and the man mid-bite practically screamed yes at me. I always loved the determination and loyalty to taking out such toxicity in this modern world. He never seemed to waver in his goal, something even his father couldn't burn out in him.

"Sensi," A small Voice calls me from my thoughts, and I look down at the petite teenage girl. Her dark hair is almost raven-like, and the purple hue in her eyes is hypnotizing. She reminded me a lot of Shinobu. Though small definitely a fighter and my strongest in the class. Something else Shinobu was good at was beating the odds. I saw incredible power in the girl. As much great potential as I always saw in the other Hashira I worked with.

"I'm sorry," I smiled lightly. Trying to excuse my hazy mind. "What did you need, Lilly?" Though my smile was rare, I loved seeing their faces light up. I wasn't the same enthusiastic person as my husband was. Maybe that's why we both mixed so well. We Balanced each other out, one built for the other.

"Is Sensi Rengoku coming back?" He had stepped away to take a word from master. Our new mission next week was nothing new, but I felt a bit off about it, so I made a fuss about me going along. I refused to have that man leave this world without me any time soon. I smile and nod at the child. I couldn't very well tell her what was going on. They had yet even to go in for entry to be slayers. In the times before, they had lost so many children and slayers with them that I felt like teaching them to prevent that. Many parents who had children attend were those of past slayers and understood the risks. Though I tried to eliminate all the risks, I knew better. Losing five children from our last year had hit Kyojuro and myself hard. Of course, this only meant that he and I work even harder to prevent such things in the future.

"He will be-" Great timing, as always, as the handsome man I have loved for freaking ever walks out to the back of the large estate where the kids and I trained. We often made enough money to house fifteen kids here through funding from the Slayer corporation. The Slayer Corporation was funded and created in the 90s and has been growing since. Though it came off as a Law Firm, it was where 'Master' was. It's where we Hashira go to take orders and go out, and also where other Slayers go for weapons and medicine. Some are also housed there.

"I see we are all working hard!" He calls out with his trademark smile and sweet eyes. He comes over to peck me on the cheek and look over at the kid's training. I could never look away from him. He was sweet and loving, and even now, I would give anything to him.

"Well," I lean into him gently with a smile, "They get it from you. You have always pushed them to great lengths. I feel like they will do fantastic on entry." He looks down at me, and his smile is gone. When his smile fades, it scares the shit out of me. He was always so happy, but he only ever frowned when he was just as worried. "What is it?" I took his hand and moved away to the door, away from ears. Whatever it was, I hated scaring the children. Yes, this is the world they were coming into. Where Demons now hid in tall Buildings and under bridges, waiting for the night and lingering out to harm the innocent. These are stories my mother often told me, as I am sure their parents have told them, but my goal was to ease them and keep them being kids for just the moment. Something I was never privileged with. Not in this Life, at least. His eyes met mine, and his hands came up to gently cup my face with the most gentle touch. Even in this solemn moment, I am melting at it. It was always my calm point. Him. He was it for me.

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