"you fear a lot Sara." y/n said.

"including you too." Sara replied.

"hahaha not funny. now let's eat ice cream" y/n said.

"no you had a cold recently" Sara said grabbing y/n's wrist.

"now I'm fine and i want to so i will no matter what." y/n replied grabbing Sara.

They all were now eating ice cream sitting on a bench.

"so Sara, what makes you happy?" Eva asked standing in front of them and recording.

"umm.. I think, you all are here that makes me the happiest."

"oh really miss? you scold us every time." Aria interrupted.

"because you don't listen to me."


"so now it's your turn what makes you happy Ari?" Eva asked.

"when my parents smile because of me" she replied.


"about you y/n?" She asked y/n who was sitting silently not eating her ice cream just looking down. she looked up with a smile and said

"My Bangtan" her eyes glistened.

"oh wo so Bangtan's girl is here. Hey BTS where are you? you dropped this girl in the middle of the road please take her back." Eva said looking here and there which they all laughed until they noticed the crowd's stares which they awkwardly smiled and left there.

"so tata bye for now everyone"

Another Clip

"what's up everyone this is me Ari. I know you're wondering why I'm recording this right? so the reason isssssss"

she said and turned the back camera on and showed the surroundings, where Eva, Sara and Y/n were preparing barbecue.

"yes you're right we're on a trip. and you know what? this time y/n is preparing something. I MEAN Y/N. WHO KNOWS NOTHING." she said and showed her shocked face to the camera.

"hey what do you mean? I can prepare too."

"yeah I can see that." she said sarcastically and went to y/n who was struggling to cut a capsicum.

"it's not like that baby." Sara said and took the knife and cut a capsicum.

"now do it like that." she gave the knife to her back.

y/n glared at Aria who was controlling her laugh. soon she burst into a loud laugh.

"loo-look i-i told you- you can't cut- a -a single capsicum." she said between her laugh.

"if you have that much problem why don't you do it by yourself?" she said and placed the knife and went to Eva angrily who was opening the big box.

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