"What? Was B.A.E. not enough you need more body horror then you already had?" She asked back, frown falling away, the armor of these not humans was different, only the normal humans had seemed to have normal armor, these ones, not so much, showing their faces and body parts unprotected, letting her see the bone man had bony plating thickening his skull and limbs, grabbing a previously ejected bone and eating it, seeing his hand 'inflate' as the bone was back in the body... It seems he also had limited ammo like she does.

The money was on the woman, the one that had ordered her before, she looked normal... That's usually not good when it came to people experimented on.

And it turned out to be true, shadows ripping themselves from the ground and walls, stone cracking and snow kicked up almost as if the shadows were tangible things interacting with the world.

She splattered blood down on her black pants and arms, setting aflame, yes it hurt her but would not consume her as long as she supplies blood to it or puts them out, but this way she didn't have an easily cast shadow.

"Let's dance." She told them.

Bone man rushed her, pulling on of the two bones in his arms out through his skin, it morphing into a laceration long sword.

With a jerk of her arms and a twist, she intercepted the swing with a blood staff she then jabbed into his throat, much tougher.

Ducking the less professional fighting style of the bug man, slamming the staff up in his stomach before kicking him at the bone man, in the same spine, throwing the staff as a spear at the woman but the shadows diced the blood when the connection was snapped.

"She needs to go down first, bone seems to have the most training in fighting, bug is just swinging mindlessly, she is staying back despite having such powers meaning she can't fight or something like that, I need her gone first."

Making another staff and jabbing it in the screaming maw of the bug man, ignoring the bone in its favor, receiving a slash through her side, the blood tentacles lashing out and gripping the weapon and his arm.

With the weapon in his mouth, Angelina thrust downwards with all her strength, making him hit the ground before turning the end of the staff in a morningstar, the ball dislocating the insect jaw, green blood splattering around and sizzling in the purple fire as the huge spikes shot out in all different ways from his skull.

Letting the blood restrain a stab from the bone man's other hand as she broke the staff in half and made a bow, aiming up and shooting a blood arrow.

As the shadows lashed out, snap, a fire bomb exploded, upping out so much light many of the shadows seemed to shriek, yes shriek, in agony as the woman covered her face.

She grabbed the bone man's head and yanked it down, driving a punch up into his face as blood expanded, forcing him to let go of his weapon before sprouting spikes and impaling his arms.

Almost jumping away from him, the blood whipped the bone weapon from her side, pulled her closed almost instantly even if it was not that, the moment she stopped with her powers the wounds would reopen as she has no time to fully force the stitching to take place, she is kind of in a fight.

crossing the garden, stepping up on a bench to jump over the destructive swipe of a shadow hand before splattering blood on it and setting it on fire, the shadow dying easily.

And instead of fighting, like Angelina had assumed, the woman looked scared and tried to cover her face with her human hand hands instead of doing anything with the shadows, letting Angelina grab her throat as spikes sprouted from the blood coating her palms.

Victory was short lived with bone man charging and slamming her into the wall.

With a staff created between the wall and him, he was shoved back as she coughed, head ringing a bit and not only because of the slam.

She put the fire out by using a blood layer under it and blasting it off her body, letting the fire die out on the snow but she still got a bit singed from having kept it up so long.

She needed to end this fast.

And she had just the way.

Making many little bullets from the blood staff and with a back handed wave, shooting them at him.

Of course his platting protected him, the bullets splattering on it but had he really not been paying attention?

With a snap, he became a nice screaming human torch.

"Blood is more versatile then bones." She told herself with a sigh at the mess she'll need to clean up.

But she didn't feel the best, having expelled a great out of the red from her body, she'll be fine, she was trained for this, she could take more then a usual human, since she is not one, but that's not reason for her to like feeling like this.

She sighed, walking in the hall through the blasted up portion of it, grabbing the first body while pulling out her knife and putting it away in its place, carrying it out and dropping it on the still burning man.

Doing that for all of them, the normal and the modified humans.

She'd have had way more trouble if they had sent someone as trained as she was after her but it seemed they either underestimated her, overestimated them, or even both.

"You see this?" She said into the bodycam on the vest she didn't burn yet on purpose. "This will be the end of all those coming after me, so leave us alone, leave me alone, before I bring the fight to you." And threw it in the fire.

She might despise Umbrella for what they did to her but she would leave them alone if they don't fuck with her.

She is not their weapon, she is the lords' maid and if they leave her alone, that's what she'll stay.

But of course Umbrella can't no as their answer.

The Bloody Reaper (Alcina X F.OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ