Chapter Six

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Xavier Smith
Grady Hospital, Atlanta, GA
11:42 AM

We've already had 2 code blues and 5 emergency surgeries. All the hustle made him question why he didn't just get into dentistry.

As Xavier walked along the hospital halls, one of his coworkers, Sharlene, a middle aged white woman who's well experienced, creeps up behind him with a tap to his left shoulder.

" Hi there Xavier, have you had a chance to look over the emails I sent you yesterday?" She looked up at him and tucked some of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear.

He smiled before responding, " Oh my Ms. Williams, I must've forgotten to check my email yesterday. I'll make sure to view it later." he offered her a quaint smile and continued to his last patient's room.

"Good evening Mr. Ramirez." Xavier said with a polite smile.

The younger man looked up at Xavier, and shook his head in an acknowledging gesture. Xavier began to ask the regular questions "How are you feeling today, any pain, etc", and then proceeded to check his patients blood pressure and other medical reports. "Any visitors lately?" He asked, the silence bothering him a little.

"Well n-actually! Yes, my mother and father came here yesterday. My mamá gave me these little pastry delights," He took in a quick breath, "I think she called them "Brookies" some type of brownie-cookie mix...They're really delicious actually!" He smiled at the thought of the delicious, chocolaty flavor.

"Sounds wonderful sir." Xavier smiled at Mr. Ramirez's attitude change as he spoke about his mom.

"Also, I think my brother will be arriving soon." Mr. Ramirez raised an eyebrow while trying to think about this.

"Which one is that?"

"Oh, you know Ja-"

A knock at the already opened door put a stop in the younger man's words. They both turned towards the door to be met with a tall tanned man. Xavier turned his attention back to his patient, but immediately did a double take when he noticed who was at the door.

Oh hell no.

"Hi lil boy." Jayce snickered.

"Little by barely a year. Don't piss me off in this hospital." Miguel reminded. The two brothers stared at one another before bursting into laughter. Xavier stood there awkwardly with his clip board in hand.

"I'll leave you two to it, but if you need me, Miguel, you know what to do." Xavier quickly said before rushing out of the room. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. I FUCKED HIS BROTHER.

Xavier thought he was about 3 seconds from jumping out of the window when he heard his name being called. He sighed thinking it was another one of his coworkers, "Xay!". When he turned around, he was not expecting to see a tatted, 6 foot something, lightskin man jogging towards him.

He was in between running away or allowing whatever words to be spoken. Because he wanted to avoid causing a scene within his work place, Xavier stayed put.

"What do you want?" He inquired demandingly.

"Well damn, not even a greeting?" Jayce huffed with a roll of his eyes. "I just wanted to ask if we could try last night again..." .


"Why not, Baby? You had fun, I had fun, so why we can't have fun again?"

"Because you're my fucking patients brother for god's sake?!" Xavier said through clenched teeth.

Jayce chuckled at this, "You really think Miguel would give two fucks about what his brother and doctor are doing? He's a grown man, and we're grown men, there is genuinely not a problem."

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