Chapter 4: Welcome Back

Start from the beginning

"No I am not"

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Actually Mantel I am feeling uncomfortable here. Why don't we go somewhere out?" asks Ariana

"Sure wherever you say. Lead the way please"

And they went Ariana's apartment. Yes she is living in the Dawson Mansion, but she has an apartment of her own, where she usually goes to fresh her mind...if you know if you know 😉...

Next day(morning)
In Ariana's apartment

Ariana woke up with a sound which was coming from the apartment beside her, she doubted what if someone is following her. What if it is the same guy whom she met in the party. She went to her balcony to check and realised that both the apartment were jointed with the balcony's. And she saw a man there, removing her gun pointing it at a unknown man from distance, she spoke

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Mantel woke up too,
"Ariana what happened?" asked Mantel who was marching towards her.

"Mantel stop, stop right there" she said raising her hand in the air.

"What happened, I asked Ariana?"

"Nothing happened Mantel" she responded with a fake smile on her face.

"Then why are you stopping me from coming in the balcony?"

"Because I am naked. You get it, go now. Get out of my house, I am busy"

"You are naked in the balcony, why?"

"Go now" says Ariana

"Will I see you again?" asks Mantel

"Depends if you will go now"

"Fine see you later" he said and left.

"Finally. And you dude, will you tell me who are you?" she asked almost in a threatening voice.

"Put the gun down and we shall have a adult talk, Ariana"

"You see I am not very fond of meeting or talking to people, neither do I have much patience. So hurry up with whatever you have"

"Neither I am. I see we are very similar in many ways"

"Don't beat around the bush" she says when her phone rings, putting down the gun she picks it up.

"Yes Alexander. What? Okay, I am on my way" she said and hangs up.

"I am going right now, but if I find out you doing something inappropriate or going against me, I am coming for you.." she threatens

"For that we will have to meet again Ariana"

"We shall meet then.."

"Digio" he introduced himself.

"Digio" she said and left from there.

Dawson Mansion

"Where is he?" asks Ariana

"Of course in his room" says Alexander

"Is the wound too big?"

"2 bullets, one in the shoulder and other, down the abdomen, so yes the wound is big"

"How much blood loss?"

"Much, but everything is fine now, situation is stable, doctors have removed the bullet and he is doing fine. I just thought to inform you but didn't have an idea that you would have come so soon"

"Of course I would have, it's Mateo we are talking about. Anything else I need to know"

"Yes. Dad's home too, actually he was the one who saved Mateo from further getting hurt"

"What are you trying to imply on?"

"You are smart. You very well know what I am saying"

"Fine I will thank him for it, now move from of my way"

Mateo's room
Ariana came inside his room and saw that he was sleeping peacefully, it is maybe because of the medicines they gave him, she sat on the chair beside his bed, interlocking her fingers with his, putting her head on his hand in disappointment!

"It hurts me to see you like this. In this position" she whispers.

"Ari" says Mateo in a low voice and she lifts her head looking at him.

"Did I wake you up?" asks Ariana

"No, I am done sleeping" says Mateo

"Why did you go on the mission alone when you knew the risk, you could have injured yourself more badly?!"

"But I didn't right. Also uncle saved me, so don't worry"

"Yes he did. How is he? Did he get hurt too?"

"I didn't see him yet but Alexander said he did, I will visit him soon and you will take rest now because you will have to recover at the earliest"

"Yes boss"

"Go now and check up on uncle too" says Mateo

"I will"

15 minutes later
"May I come in?" asks Ariana knocking on the door.

"Since when did you need my permission to enter the room, dear..?" says Axel


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