𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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Friends - Chase Atlantic

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Friends - Chase Atlantic

I've been looking at my reflection in the mirror for the past hour and a half, unsure on what's 'appropriate' for a day out with Eres. I figured I'd give him a chance, maybe he'll distract me from the past events that occurred this week.

Also not to mention the fact that Alessio's with Eva, as if I didn't just get disowned by my family a few days ago. I brush off this bitter feeling, I have no valid reason to be feeling this way. I'm the one who set it up, I have to deal with it.

I can't help but think, am I really that easy to discard?

I've been trying not to think about the whole thing with my...ex-family? It sounds so fucking stupid, and it most definitely is—but I mean, they didn't even think twice before leaving me to my own devices.

Everything I'd sacrificed, done, given up, for them. All of it is just gone to waste now. Perhaps, it's for the best.

My kids won't have grandparents from my side, but whoever I'm married to by then—better have a stable family.

I won't make my kids suffer through what I suffered. But the funny thing is, I can't really imagine myself being with anyone else other than Alessio.

I shake off that thought, and pick out an outfit. Our plans are simple for today, spend most of the day at a diner, then go to a club later. The goal is to shut my brain off as much as I can today.

Sometimes, I so desperately wish that there was a door in my head, so I can leave and enter anytime I wanted. I despise living inside my head, it just worsens everything.

After many double takes in the mirror, I settle on a cashmere sweater, and classic denim jeans. This winter chill isn't made for me.

A text from my phone breaks my thoughts.

Eres: Are you almost done getting ready? Let me know, I'm almost there.

Me: I'm ready! Text me when you arrive.

It feels wrong to go out with Eres, without telling Alessio. But on the other hand, I think deep down there's a part of me that likes seeing him get riled up. The way his jaw ticks, his left eye twitches slightly, whenever I mention another man. It amuses me.

Unfortunately, no man or woman can bring Alessio to his knees. And for that exact reason, something in me urges to find his weakness. Bring him down to his knees. One day, hopefully.

By the time I head downstairs, Eres is here. I grab my purse, and head out the door. While locking the door, I notice security cameras at the doorstep.

I smile sweetly into the cameras, knowing Alessio will check them. I want him to know that I went out.

Walking towards Eres's car, I see him leaning against his car, "Hey! You look amazing." He chuckles, while he opens the door for me.

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