Chapter 3: Airforce

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Sorry for the EXTREMELY delayed release, got sick, got my finals, and lost motivation


Characters, places and incidents in this story is partly fictitious, reader discretion is advised


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok

"Since that we're hosting, why don't we officially introduce our country first" Prasert kicked off the conversation. "We are the Kingdom of Siam, Our current monarch is King Rama V, Our current population is approximately 8.26 million people, and about 30k active personnel across all branches which include both the army and navy, Our main exports are Rice, Ivory and Jungle products." Prasert briefly introduced. "Rice? you say?" Ferdinand responded. "Yes, why?" Prasert asked back curiously. "Well, coincidentally, we're looking to import rice right now, the wheat harvest this season was the worst we've experienced since the last decade, and other countries are experiencing the same thing, luckily the countries that produce rice were more than happy to export." The foreign diplomat explained.

The discussions continued smoothly, until suddenly, "Say, do you hear that?" Prasert asked. "Yeah, I do, it sounds like someone is driving above us." Ferdinand responded. They soon rushed outside and looked up. "WHAT IN GODS NAME IS THAT?!?!?!" Ferdinand shouted in confusion. Prasert, keeping a calm expression, "Ohhh, that must be one of those airplanes them farangs just invented." "What are they doing here though?" Prasert asked himself.

23rd January 1941

Don Muang Airport, Bangkok

Our timeline

"Yo dude, you heard it yet?" A pilot asked his rear gunner. "Heard what?" the rear gunner responded confused. "The mission tomorrow, Group Captain left us a message before going out today." The pilot answered the question. "Ohhhh, you mean that mission? the one where we're supposed to meet at 1200 tomorrow above the skies of Ankor Wat" "yeah that, you ready for it? "sorta, I mean I am in the airforce for a reason." he responded confidently. "Well, suit your self, anyways, its getting late, lets head to bed" the pilot said.

24th January 1941


"Yo dude, the Hawk IIIs are already preparing to taking off, wanna get ready?" Rear gunner Sgt. Sirirat (Rod) Chaichana said to Plt. Off. Akat Raksiam, "Yeah sure, lemme go put on my flight suit, meet me at the hangar" Akat responded while quickly walking to the locker room, after a short while he arrived at the hangar, where Rod was already waiting for him, and just as the last Hawk III took off, "Dude Im here, lets get ready, we're up next after the Martins" Akat shouted to his friend, "right right yeah yeah" Rod responded half-heartedly, Rod himself didn't want to actually be a rear gunner, he'd hope to become a pilot, but after failing his officer exam he had to settle to being a rear gunner. Rod first climbed into the gunner's seat, then Akat, they both strap into their respective seats. Soon the mechanic arrived to start their plane up. "Yooooo dude how u doin today maaaan" Akat said friendly to the mechanic, they were middle-school friends who for a few years grew up together, "Startin' planes as usual, where you headed to this time" The mechanic asked curiously, "Its Ankor Wat this time, we gon' get revenge at the Frenchies" Akat responded, as soon as those words left his mouth his Ki-30 roared to life, "Welp, good luck to you, and off I go to start the rest of the planes, see ya." The mechanic said with a straight face. Little did they know, this would be the last time, for a long time that they would meet one another.

The Ki-30s taxi'd onto the runway just as the last of the 3 Martin B-10s lifted off the ground. Akat and Rod were in the second set of the Ki-30s, they took off in groups of three. Soon, Akat was in the lead on the runway, he shoved his throttle forwards, the plane jolted forwards, making Akat stick to his seat. "Bro, can't you be gentler?" Rod shouted from his rear gunners position. "I nearly slammed my fucking face into the MG" He added half-angrily. "Yeah yeah" Akat responded blandly, he was too focused on taking off to care. He checked the Airspeed indicator, 80 knots, 90 knots, 100 knots, He gently pulled the stick back, and the plane slowly lifted off the ground, they were airborne. 

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