Chapter 1: First contact

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Characters, places and incidents in this story is partly fictitious, reader discretion is advised


July 13th 2451 B.E.

Cruiser Makut Ratchakumarn, Gulf of Siam, Siam

A sailor spotted what seems to be a normal paddle-steamer, until he saw the flag, he quickly alerted the captain

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A sailor spotted what seems to be a normal paddle-steamer, until he saw the flag, he quickly alerted the captain. "Sir, I've spotted a ship off starboard stern, unknown flag." The captain, standing on the bridge, took out his binoculars and looked towards the general direction. There he saw what seems to be a Chinese Junk but with paddles on the side, bearing a flag, that could be best described as, the German double-headed eagle, on a green background, with red black and orange stripes. "What fucking nation is that." Captain Srisak exclaimed, "Commander, go tell the wireless boys to alert HQ on this, and we'll try to make contact with them." Roger said the commander. 

Wireless Room, Makut Ratchakumarn

"Damn, we've been deployed a lot more lately haven't we" a man in a khaki uniform said to another. "Yeah, we have, seems weird isn't it, I know we have to defend our nation from them damn colonizers and all, but this is just way too much." The other man responded. Suddenly, a voice boomed through the speaking tube, "Daeng, quickly send a wireless back to HQ, we've spotted an unknown ship of unknown nation." "ON IT, SIR!" The man in khaki responded, he quickly tapped morse code into the wireless machine. 

..- -. -.- -. --- .-- -. / ... .... .. .--. / ..- -. -.- -. --- .-- -. / -. .- - .. --- -. / ... .--. --- - - . -..
(unknown ship unknown nation spotted)

Then the same voice came through again, "Oh and, try making contact with the unknown ship." "Affirmative" Daeng responded, he then, tapped more morse code into the wireless machine.

..- -. -.- -. --- .-- -. / ... .... .. .--. / - .... .. ... / .. ... / .-. --- -.-- .- .-.. / ... .. .- -- . ... . / ... .... .. .--. / -- .- -.- ..- - / .-. .- - -.-. .... .- -.- ..- -- .- .-. -. --..-- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / .. -.. . -. - .. ..-. -.-- / -.-- --- ..- .-. ... . .-.. ...- . ... --..-- / .. / .-. . .--. . .- - -....-

(Unknown ship this is Royal Siamese ship Makut Ratchakumarn, please identify yourselves, I repeat-)

Empire of Giad Ship Feldreß

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