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REGULUS VANCEHILL, THE GOLDEN BOY OF CAMP HALF-BLOOD. As a claimed child of Aphrodite, it was only protocol to be gifted with such looks that could blind the light. But don't let the looks from the counselor of cabin ten fool you, he can still slice your throat within seconds. Regulus always knew he was a bit strange since he was a little kid, he couldn't even tell letters and numbers apart, let alone know how to use a sword! But when he reached camp half-blood after running for his life, he learned alot. He learned how to truly be loved and for the first time in his life, he had friends. He also learned that not everyone is an enemy and not everyone is friend, but what about lovers? Regulus would wonder alas at night, certainly there has to be an answer to his question, his mother was the goddess of love for goodness sake! But Regulus's world gets turned upside down(literally) when a new kid arrived at camp. But with his friends, brother, and all of his fangirls(Luke included). He believed he'll be alright and that is more than enough.

His older brother, Bowie(just a nickname) the other hand, couldn't care less about his brothers questions just as long as he kept talking and he heard his voice was just enough. Not like he would admit that though, his adventure getting to camp half-blood was anything but fun. He almost got dragged to the pits of the underworld, atleast it gave him a cool scar. Regulus would remind him, but that doesn't mean the memories faded but oh how he wish they did. He would kill anyone and anything that got in his and Regulus's way and that was a fact. But perhaps things would have gone different if it was a friend that night not a foe(ehehehehe more trauma and lore hehehe).

Regulus was friends with pretty much anyone, no matter the cabin. Maybe that will get him killed but he made it this far so why stop?

Lyssa Yamamoto, the youngest of their weird friend group yet the most fierce and straightforward. While Belisama answers in riddles and Hesychia almost no where to be found, it's Lyssa that stands up for her friends when people even dare to pick on them. But when it comes to any form of competitions, her mind goes red and nothing else matters. Only winning and she always does. No one would want her on the opposite side on the battlefield, those who dare will come back crying. And it has happened, multiple times. Regulus went to every one and cheered her on everytime and if someone even glared in his direction, they can expect an item of theirs to go missing. The only time Lyssa and Luke are on the same side, that's for sure. (Insert an eyeroll from Lyssa here)

Hesychia Desrosiers and Belisama Jiménez were two peas in a pod, if the two peas were on opposite ends and never colliding.(yes they are that different) Belisama lives for a good fight while Hesychia just wants a nap, it's a miracle that they understand each other so well. Hesychia never really had any real friends prior to Belisama and the others, she never felt included and no one wanted to hear her input on ideas. But Belisama did, Belisama wanted to hear if her plan was a good one or a bad one from Hesychia, Belisama made sure Hesychia's voice got heard if not her own. They aren't sisters by blood but by choice, Hesychia felt loved and that was enough.

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