Chapter 16: Evil's Return

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(In the aftermath of the Siren attack led by the High-class Siren named Purifier, Azur Lane is currently clearing up the damages of the attack. The injured shipgirls of the Azur Lane and Sakura Empire who participated in the defense of the base have already been rushed to the infirmary and are being taken care of by Vestal and Akashi.)

(Location: Apollo's ship)

(Aegis, Enterprise, and the others are currently walking towards Apollo's shipform. The reason? Apollo reported just before the group could leave that Akagi had awakened. With the news of the main reason for Project Orochi's existence now conscious the group wanted to know more about what they were going to deal with from Akagi. Apollo is currently standing guard with his gun at the ready and watching over Kaga, Shoukaku, and the now awake Akagi in his lab. He then turns his head to the entrance  and sees Aegis and the others arriving.)

Apollo: Glad you could come, Aegis.

Aegis: Where is she?

Apollo: Over here.

(Apollo jerked his head at the lab. The group then entered and there they saw Akagi sitting on one of the chairs.)

Aegis: Good to see you're finally awake.

Akagi: I take it you now know about Orochi, I assume.

Aegis: Yes. But we want to more about it.

Akagi: Resurrecting Amagi is the main purpose of Project Orochi.

Aegis: I know already. What I want to know is why.

(Akagi then began to shed tears before speaking.)

Akagi: (*voice cracking*) It's...because...I miss her.

(The group only stared at her as she continued.)

Akagi: (*crying*) I couldn't bear it when she died. I tried, to only remember my sister in my memories. But I couldn't let go of her. That's why I agreed to the Sirens' offer. To see Amagi again.

(Akagi cried with Kaga shedding tears but not saying anything. The group only looked at them before Aegis spoke.)

Aegis: (*sheds a tear*) There's nothing you can do. There's no bringing the dead back. The only thing you can do is honor their memory.

Akagi: (*looks at him with tears*)

Aegis: Even though she's gone. Every moment you've shared will still live. She...still lives within you all. If she were to be here now, she'd tell you the same. Remember and never forget her in your minds and hearts. Her love for you that she the one thing that will never die.

(Then to her shock, Aegis walked forward...and embraced her. Akagi cried even harder as she embraced the shipboy back with the latter not caring for the tears falling to his shoulder.)

Aegis: (*gently*) You've held on to pain for far too long... Amagi wouldn't want you to do that. You need to let go.

Akagi: (*sobbing*) But what if I can't?

Aegis: You still have everyone else... Kaga, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, and all your friends. Let them help you. They love you just as you love Amagi.

(It took a couple of minutes before Akagi's tears subsided. Extending his arms, Aegis looked at Akagi's face and gave a warm smile before speaking.)

Aegis: Now, listen to me. The Sirens are planning on using Orochi. We can't let them use it, you know that... So what are you going to do?... Are you going to let them desecrate her name and memory even further...or are going to stand with us and fight so that her memory is preserved?

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