Welcome back to High School

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There was one girl you saw, and a large smile engulfed your face as you made your way over.

"Nahida?" You called, and the girl turned around confused, yet her mood instantly changed to excitement once the teenager saw you.

"Y/N?" She laughed. "What are you doing here?"

Her eyes then lit up as she gasped, inching closer to whisper. "Is it for the case you and Alhaitham are on?"

You nodded. "Yeah, do you know where the office is?"

She nodded, turning to her right as she pointed down the hall. "All the way down, turn right and you'll see large sign that says 'Attendance.'"

You took in her words, nodding. "Thank you. See you soon." You winked, and she winked back before she turned to join her group of friends.

"Kusanali." Albedo muttered as the two of you walked. "She's here?"

"She's living a normal life now," You chuckled. "She has no connections to that name anymore. Azar put her through too much to have her return to that."

Eventually, the two of you made it to the office, which somehow looked absolutely elegant for an office.

"Are you two visitors?" The secretary asked once the two of you walked in.

The both of you pulled out your badges, and a sense of nervousness took over the secretary. However, you gave her a gentle smile, not wanting to scare her. "We just want to speak to the principal about a student, if that's all right."

The secretary nodded, giving a small smile back, still nervous. She picked up the phone, dialing the principals ofice.

Having to call a principal was already an insane sign of being in a private school.

The two of you waited patiently, feeling a bit awkward as the secretary talked to the principal on the phone. Once a minute passed, she put down the phone and a door behind you opened.

Standing at the open door was a tall, somewhat fat, old man. His head was entirely bald and he screamed principal.

"Detectives," He nodded at the two of you before standing to the side, "Come on in,"

You both went into the office, which was small compared to the office. It was cozy, which you liked better. There were two seats in front of his desk, and you and Albedo both sat down.

It felt so weird.

He sat down at his desk, interlocking his fingers togetther. "How can I help you two?"

Albedo cleared his throat, speaking. "We were hoping to speak to you about a student here and her friends."

The principal- Principal Johnson, you read from the sign on his desk- frowned. "Damslette, I assume?"

You nodded solemnly.

He sighed. "It was a great devastation to our community when we heard. She was so young. We were hoping to hold a memorial for her, but her father politely asked we hold it back until, well, they figure out what happened to her...Which is what I assume you're here for?"

The two of you nodded. "We were hoping if you had any information for us, and if you'd know anyone she's recently been involved with?" You asked.

"Well, that's the counsellors job. I could call her and have a list within five minutes. I must ask, though, would I need to have their parents called for a lawyer?"

You quickly shook your head, laughing. "No, they aren't being interrogated, just questions about Damslette. It's to help our case."

"Alrught," He let out a groan as he stood up, moving out of his office to get to the phone back at the secretary's desk.

Love the mask, time to bring it back (Alhaitham x F!Reader SEQUEL)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن