For the rest of the way home she focused all her attention on the music playing through her AirPods. The girl never had much to do these days but work, so she always had very little to think about.

Reagan was never the type to have many friends either. She kept her groups small because not everybody can be trusted.. that's something she had to learn at a young age. Her only true friend would have to be her cousin— Monica. Although, she wasn't sure if that even counted since they were family; but oh well.

She was finally nearing her apartment after what felt like years, a sigh of relief damn near fell from her lips.

'About damn time.'

She needed to get ready for work soon, since she had a night job as well. She was a teacher by day.. and a private dancer by night.

Though it sounded a little weird.. her dancing didn't always consist of anything sexual— but most times it did, and she was okay with that. Everyone has to make a living somehow, right?

Once she got to the lobby she practically ran to the elevator, the door was closing and she didn't want to wait for it to come all the way back down.

Her apartment had 25 levels, and she'd be damned if she sat here waiting that long. The stairs weren't an option either since they were temporarily off limits to residents.

If it wasn't for the kind man holding the door for her, she surely wouldn't have made it.

"Oh my god you're a life saver. I thought I would have to wait for it to come back down again," her eyes met the stranger's, and her stomach immediately dropped.

His dreads slightly hung down, the tips were a sort of light brown.. but it was really the facial hair and tattoos that were getting to her.

He had tattoos going from the neck down and nearly all of them were on display due to his black wife beater. Not to mention the mustache, or his stubble beard— which looked so good, like he'd recently got them trimmed for a clean up.

Reagan didn't realize it but he was staring her down too, with those low eyes of his. She should be happy she didn't see the way he was looking at her or she damn near would've fainted.

With a quick lick of his lips he finally spoke up, "Yeah you good. I saw the way you was rushing over here, it woulda' been rude to just let it close."

"True, I would've probably held that against you if you did," the girl giggled before scanning her head for ways she could keep the conversation going— he was just too breathtaking for her not too.

"But uh, I've never seen you around before! What's your name?" She silently hoped she didn't sound to weird asking him that, but you only live once so oh well.

"It's Ya'mir. And yeah I just moved in today, right across the hall from you."

"Wait huh? How do you know where I live..?" Confusion took over the girl's face, and she swore he looked scared for a minute.

"They delivered your package to my door just a minute ago, and it had your name on it," He shrugged, keeping his laid back exterior. "I read the box and delivered it to the correct door,"

Reagan let out a sigh of relief but her guard was still up, how did he know her name anyways?

She guessed he could sense she was still a little weary, so he was quick to give her another explanation.

"Your name tag," he pointed, and surely she did still have her work shirt on after all.

"I'm just real observant.. so that's the first thing I noticed. Then I put the pieces together cause the name sounded familiar.."

Reagan rolled her eyes at herself for being so mindless. Poor guy probably thought she was the stupidest person alive for forgetting her name was on the shirt. "Shit, I'm sorry! You probably think I'm so slow,"

Ya'mir grinned slightly before shaking his head, "It's ight, we all got our slow moments."

"I guess I don't gotta' tell you my name now, huh?"

"Nah Reagan, you don't,"

She couldn't help the smile forming on her face when she heard the way her name flowed off his tongue so effortlessly. 'God this man is so beautiful.'

Before she could say anything else the elevator came to a stop, finally reaching her floor. Well, their floor now, since he was her new neighbor.

"Whew finally! Floor 15 couldn't come fast enough."

"Damn you didn't like being in the elevator with me or somethin'?" Mir jokingly asked while following behind her since they were headed the same way after all.

His eyes wondered over her figure for a little longer than he intended, but she couldn't see him so oh well.

"Boy yes, you were making me nervous.. I don't got time for all that." She mumbled before searching through her keys to find the correct one.

When she reached her door she felt so relived, finally she could go inside and take a warm bath before going to bed. This weather always had a way of making her drowsy.

She looked across from her to see Ya'mir already gone.. her face fell into a frown at the fact he didn't tell her goodbye or anything. 'Shit, maybe he just not into making new friends.'

She shrugged it off before heading inside her apartment and closing the door behind her, unaware of the lurking presence near.

Little did she know... that was the problem. Ya'mir never intended on being her friend in the first place, he wanted one thing from her and one thing only.

Her soul.

authors note
ummmm.. okay 🌚 how do we feel?
CRAZY IDCCC. and he only gonna get worse so be prepared!

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