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The Batcave felt hushed to return to without a silly clown lurking in his corner to throw puns at Bruce that would usually drive him insane. Never would he have guessed he'd ever miss that but now he does and he didn't know what to make of that.
"Welcome back, Sir", Alfred greeted him, stepping closer from behind the Batcomputer.
"I hope your search has been successful and we finally have our first clue"
Bruce distraughtly ripped off the cowl from his head and shook it in discourage.
"Alfred, this is beyond bad. The things they're doing to the prisoners, the corruption within that place, its walls are poisoned and as is their staff."
He told Alfred what's been told to him earlier, the stories Harley had revealed, though he had to admit she wasn't quite reliable either so they needed to be cautious. However, the mention of the torture alone was enough to make Alfred have to sit down before it would make him sick.
"Good lord", he almost whispered in distress, his face pale from shock.
"We need to act as quick as possible", Bruce then added. "Harley agreed to testify in court if we get far enough to finally gather the evidence needed to bring the Asylum to fall."
Silence then came over the Batcave, both men asking themselves the same question which Alfred eventually dared to ask, though hesitantly.
"Sir, how are we or rather you as Batman to achieve that?"
Bruce crossed his arms in front of his chest and walked a small circle around Alfred.
"I don't know but-"
He suddenly stopped and pinned his eyes at Alfred with a glow of wit in them.
"What if Batman wouldn't have to do anything?"
Alfred spared him a disoriented look.
"Sir, I hope you're not implying the idea of getting yourself committed to Arkham-", he then spoke with obvious disapproval in his voice but Bruce relieved his worries as he shook his head.
"No Alfred, I'm speaking of sending an infiltrator into Arkham. Someone of whom I know they'll not be in danger being there"
"And, if you allow me asking, who would that someone be?"

An hour later, the Batsuit hung back in its case and Bruce Wayne found himself in a brand new suit sipping bourbon on his sofa while filing through a Playboy magazine. As the doorbell rang, he stood up with a wide, honest smile and walked to the entrance where his faithful Butler had already opened the door to welcome their guest. As she walked in, her pace was steady, heals high and walk confident.
Her grey hair was tucked back in a bun, though she readjusted it every time she fixed her black square glasses which tended to glide off her nose as she lowered her head many times to check on her patients due to her profession.
"Bruce, it's so good to see you!", the elderly woman greeted the billionaire with a familiar hug and even patted Alfred's shoulder affectionately like the friend of the Wayne family that she truly was.
"Lee, you look ravishing, as always", he complimented Doctor Lee Thompkins right before he led her to his office where he quickly removed the bourbon and had a glass of water being poured for her.
"I apologise for the superficial appearance, the playboy cover was necessary for no one to suspect us when things get difficult."
"I understand", Lee agreed formally.
"Arkham Asylum's not just exposed with impunity, if anyone drew the connection to us, we'd be on the line and it would only be a matter of time until someone uncovers your second identity."
"I'm glad you understand the importance of this operation, that is why I chose you after all"
Lee gave him a humble smile.
"Bruce, I've disclosed abusive doctor's since you were still in diapers. Don't worry, we got this"
The billionaire felt flustered within a second. Normally, people would either see in him the powerful playboy billionaire or the terrifying dark knight. Suddenly hearing someone speak of him so.. familiar, human, felt too strange to despise it. It felt good and Bruce wanted to embrace that feeling as long as he could.
"Shall we get to it then?", he asked with a knowing smile and she agreed with a solemn nod.

"So, how did it go?", Alfred asked his Master as he handed him the tie behind the mirror, still surprised he insisted on dressing on his own for his second date with Joker.
"Good, in fact she agreed to all terms.
I will ask Lucius to design her a non traceable body cam first thing tomorrow so she can start next week. Once gets in close enough, we will have all evidence undeniably waterproof on tape!"
"That is fabulous news, Sir! The sooner we begin, the sooner that awful place will be shut down for good!"
Bruce closed his vest, threw on his jacket and stepped into the room.
"So, how do I look?", he asked a little insecure and Alfred didn't move for a moment, his eyes intensely pinned to his Master's- no, his son's outfit.
"Alfred?", Bruce asked after a moment of silence from the man.
"Does it look that bad?"
"No! No.. it's just.. when you're Batman
I rarely get to notice but now I realise how much you've grown. Not only physically but mentally, you're so much more mature and responsible. Oh Bruce, I couldn't be more proud of you."
Bruce felt his heart beat warm in his chest at the words of his father figure.
"Alfred-", he began but couldn't find the words to describe what he felt. It was deep gratitude mixed with surprise and pride. The only way he knew to express this particular emotion was by wrapping his strong arms gently around the old man and hold him firmly for a good moment.
"Thank you", he then whispered with a smile that Alfred could practically hear by the crack within Bruce's voice as he spoke, indicating he was on the verge of tears, something that's never happened ever since he became Batman a decade ago.
"Now", Alfred declared and loosened the hug.
"Off you go." He patted Bruce's back gently and opened the door for him, standing on its step until his Master's car had fully disappeared between the wildly coursing snowflakes storming past Gotham.

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