Sylvester slammed his tackle roughly in from behind!

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As perhaps you know I am enjoying a little time away from the hard weather and have slipped of to the Baja, in Mexico. Such a delightful place. However, you can imagine the surprise when I received an excited phone call from , my gardener.

"You should have seen it, Miss Fiona. slammed his tackle roughly in from behind. I've not seen anything like it!"

As you've likely guessed, Ali has discovered ice hockey. Well, it had to happen. You can't be in Canada for very long without being affected by this the national sport.

"It was wonderful," said Ali. "He's been on the game for some years, I hear."

"I think you mean, 'he's been on the team', Ali," I corrected him. I really do worry about Ali's English at times. I really must speak to his teacher.

Ali went on to tell me that 's been going out with a new girl and is very taken with her. Apparently she's very pretty but she has a squint. Unfortunately she's unable to see him any more. Poor Sebastian.

I do like to keep up with the news at home as you can tell, but that's not the main reason I'm writing. I thought I'd share some news with you. I have added a new $1 level to my Patreon page. This allows you to penetrate just a little deeper without going to the full expense of the other programs. I realise there are many things out there at present competing for your attention, and at such a difficult time it's sometimes a little hard to justify the expense of a full program like the Premium Program for some of us. It's important to me to be available to all my members, so I talked to about this and asked for his ideas.

He said, "You need to give people a different option. Some way to have a relationship without too much expense. You need some kind of 'Back Door'. So, with this in mind I am inviting you to join and use my 'Back Door' for just $1 a month. I think you're going to like it. Find me on Patreon and giggidy giggidy giggidy.


It's a busy day for a crossdressing account executive.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang