Criminal Activities for Survival

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As Lily found herself behind bars, she quickly realized that surviving in prison required a different set of skills and a willingness to adapt to her new environment. In order to navigate the harsh realities of life behind bars, Lily found herself engaging in criminal activities for survival.
The prison economy
Prison, like any other community, had its own economy. In this microcosm of society, resources were scarce, and inmates had to find creative ways to meet their basic needs. Lily soon discovered that participating in the underground economy was not only a means of survival but also a way to gain some semblance of control over her circumstances.
Trading and bartering
Within the confines of the prison walls, trading and bartering became a common practice. Lily quickly learned that certain items held value and could be exchanged for goods or services. Cigarettes, for example, were highly sought after and could be used as currency. Lily would often trade her meager rations for cigarettes, which she could then use to barter for other necessities such as toiletries or extra food.
Contraband and illegal trade
In a place where rules were already broken, it was not surprising that illegal trade thrived. Lily found herself drawn into the world of contraband, where items such as drugs, cell phones, and even homemade weapons were in high demand. While she initially hesitated to involve herself in such activities, the harsh reality of prison life trapushed her to make difficult choices in order to protect herself and secure her survival.
Involvement in gangs
Prison gangs provided a sense of belonging and protection for many inmates, and Lily soon found herself caught up in their web. Joining a gang offered her a support system and a level of security in an otherwise dangerous environment. However, it also meant participating in criminal activities on behalf of the gang, further entangling her in a life of crime.
Exploitation and manipulation

Surviving in prison often meant navigating a complex web of power dynamics. Lily soon realized that she had to be cautious and aware of those who sought to exploit or manipulate her for their own gain. She learned to trust her instincts and to be selective about the alliances she formed, as not everyone had her best interests at heart.
The emotional toll
Engaging in criminal activities for survival took a toll on Lily's emotional well-being. The constant need to be vigilant, the fear of being caught, and the moral compromises she had to make weighed heavily on her conscience. She struggled with guilt and shame, knowing that her actions were a result of the desperate circumstances she found herself in.
The consequences
Lily was well aware that her involvement in criminal activities came with significant risks. The prison authorities were always on the lookout for contraband and illegal trade, and the consequences for getting caught were severe. She witnessed firsthand the punishments inflicted on those who were caught engaging in illicit activities, ranging from extended sentences to solitary confinement.
Reflection and rehabilitation
Despite the challenges and moral dilemmas she faced, Lily's time in prison also provided her with an opportunity for reflection and self-evaluation. As she witnessed the destructive cycle of criminal behavior, she began to question her choices and the impact they had on her life and the lives of those around her. Lily realized that true survival meant breaking free from the cycle of crime and finding a path towards redemption.
In the next chapter, we will explore Lily's journey as she rebuilds her life after her release from prison. She will confront her evil mother, navigate the complexities of family court, and ultimately strive to break the cycle of abuse and find hope for the future.

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