Chapter 3

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After breakfast (and stuffing in a few more beignets), Noura went down the stairs with the king and queen to go announce to people of Rosas that she was alright.

If there was one thing, she wanted to do right now, it was just to stay in that room, she was in, this morning, she didn't want to see all those people or for them to see her.

What if my hair is all messy? What if they're just like the people in Isola Dei Blu? Is there anyway, I can go back to my room?, Noura's head was spinning with angst, her stomach churning with fear.

Amaya could feel the girl's nerves spiking, her hand unconsciously tightening against the Queen's. "Don't worry, Noura, you'll do great out there, they'll love you!", she comfortingly squeezed her hand, "My love, Noura, you coming?", King Magnifico called out for them, walking ahead of them.

"We'll be right with you, Mi Rey, she's a little nervous, why don't you go ahead.", replied Amaya, Magnifico nodded making his way to the courtyard, suddenly out of no where, sounds of trumpets came a blowing in throughout the castle, startling Noura.

"Don't worry, those are just the trumpets to call for assembly.", Amaya said, giving Noura a chance to catch a breath. "Either way, as I was saying.", the Queen got down on her knees to reach Noura's eye level, "I promise you that the people of Rosas are kindest and warmest people, you'll ever meet, and besides me and the king will be right there beside you.", she assured.

Noura smiled, feeling a bit of confidence rushing through her, maybe the queen was right, after all, her and King Magnifico were honestly pretty nice, maybe the people will be too.

Seeing her smile, Amaya mirrored it, happy to help her, extending her hand towards Noura, without hesitation, she took it and walked with the Queen the rest of the way down the stairs.

Once they reached the gates to the courtyard, Amaya gave one more glance and said "You ready?", nodding in response, Noura followed Amaya outside the gates, where she was met with the brightness of the sun as it beamed on her eyes, Noura lifted her arms to cover face from the blinding light, she always forgets what happens when you stay insides away from sunlight for too long.

Her vision became more and more clearer, she could see Magnifico in front of them was a large crowd of people gathering around, and to her, it wasn't just any people, it was group of diverse people.

There were so many varieties of different ethnic groups, some she could see from facials, from Asian to....African, just like her father and herself, Noura's heart swelled in a new kind of joy, something she's never felt before, could it be pride, it is.

Her whole life living in the Isola Dei Blu, she's never seen anyone that looked like her or her father before, it was amazing to see others with hair and features, just like her, except some wore hats and shawls covering most of their hair.

Still however something in her felt that she was seen, sure, she hasn't met any of these people yet, but now in a way, she felt a bit more secure, seeing all these people that looked like her and her father, her father would love it here, if he only were here.....

Distracting herself, Noura turned her eyes back to the crowd, when all of a sudden, her brown eyes met another pair of the same color, the eyes belonged to a girl with long dark box braids (it reminded her of when her father taught her how to braid her hair like that) and golden brown skin, she wore a lavender short sleeve surcoat with a long sleeve violet dress underneath dazzled with golden sparkles on the sleeves (just like Noura's new dress), which were all brought together a magenta belt and she also wore beautiful magenta bead necklace around her neck, and she looked more older than Noura, but still young,  as she had a glow of a girl maturing into womanhood, all the things that Noura wanted to be, what made her light up with intrigue about the stranger, she never saw anyone that had the same skin complexion as her father before.

"People of Rosas.", the king's powerful voice boomed across the courtyard, catching everyone's attention, as well as awakening Noura from her trance.

"I know you have been worried about our guest, but I came here to tell you, that she's alright, in fact, she is right here, please give a warm welcome to Noura of Isola Dei Blu.", he announced, properly introducing the eleven year old behind him.

The audience clapped at this wonderful news as Magnifico gestured to Noura from behind. Feeling as though the sun was spotlighting her, she froze, however with one assuring look from Amaya, she took a  breath and stepped forward and gave a small sheepish wave and smile, greeting the crowd, having to push away all her anxiety.

After all the applauding was finished, Noura made her way back towards Amaya to stand next to her.

"Rosas, unfortunately with this wonderful news comes bad news, three days ago, Noura survived one of the ships traveling here from Isola Dei Blu, Italy being destroyed in a thunderstorm, losing many on board including her own father, Iman." King Magnifico added sorrowfully, receiving a bunch of gasps from the crowd. Poor girl.

"Let us take a moment of silence to honor their loss.",  said Magnifico dropping his head down in mourning as the rest of the crowd followed along with Noura and the queen.

The dusty brown curly haired girl sighed, she really didn't want to be the center of attention, nor did she want anyone to talk about her father and address that he was gone because finally hearing it for the first time in public, it really actually means he's dead, she'll never see him again.

No....No! Noura keep all these emotions in, she firmly scolded herself, holding the sea glass necklace tight, holding back your tears. Don't let these strangers see you cry, conceal it, don't feel it, don't let it show!

After the moment of silence, clearing his throat, the king continued "As king, I vow to make a personal guest of mine, and she shall stay with us here in this castle for as long as she pleases, if she pleases?",  Magnifico turned to Noura looking for her approval, without any choice, but to take his offer, she nodded, the king smiled "It's a yes.", he decreed as the audience cheered for their all so humble king.

Taking in all the applause, that Magnifico so often received for his royal duty, and oh how he loved all the attention.

Dismissing them, everyone went back to their work, now all abuzz about the new girl in the city of Rosas.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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