My Name is Thalassa

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"It doesn't, just curious sorry."

"Where are my friends? I need to find them," Ayden moved closer to her.

"Well one is with a hippocampi, the other is on a lifeboat and so are three others," Thalassa explained. "Which one do you want to go with?"

"Why are you helping me?" 

"You've got someone looking out for you," Thalassa shrugged.

"No, I mean—," Ayden rubbed her head. "The gods don't help us. So why are you helping me?"

"Again, you've got someone looking out for you. Now who are we following?" Ayden thought for a moment. She would ask if Thalassa knew Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon, but she didn't want to expose him or put him in danger.

"You said there was a trio? Two girls and a boy?"

"Yep," She nodded.

"And then you said there was one with a hippocampi?" Thalassa nodded once more.

"They all seem to be going to the same island, although," Thalassa paused. "The trio seem to have been caught up with Circe, doubt they will escape that. The Island it is!"

"Wait," Ayden moved down the boat. "Circe, as in the witch?"

"Yup, she's not my favorite person," Thalassa grimaced. She had a few pieces of her hair braided with pearls weaved through her hair. "Best to stay away from her, especially if you're a man. She doesn't like men."

"I have to go there then," Ayden didn't like the tight feeling in her chest. "Right. I mean there was a boy with them."

"Sure," Thalassa added. Ayden stared at the woman.

"You aren't helpful."

"I am extremely helpful," She smiled. "And I think by the time we get there it will be too late, so I'm going to take you to where you need to go."

"Then why did you ask?" Ayden threw her hands in the air.

"Did I?" Thalassa asked.


"Calm down, kid, sit," She pointed at Ayden. She stared at the goddess. "My kindness only goes so far, you may be under her protection, but I don't give a shit if you start to get annoying I can throw you right back into the water." Thalassa pointed to the water. "Maybe one of Poseidon's men can help you then." Ayden slowly sat down. She didn't like Thalassa, but she admired her. "Good decision. We all know that men don't help women, especially the gods." Adyen nodded her head as she looked out over the water.

"What time of day is it?" Ayden asked.

"Late evening." Thalassa stared at her. "You were under the water for a little while, how did you survive that?" Ayden stared at the goddess. She didn't know, she wasn't even conscious for most of that.

"So you're a primordial god?" Ayden asked as she changed the topic.

"I am."

"How many of you are there?"

"Well you are a smart girl, you know of the war between the Titans and the Olympians. A few primordials were killed in the process, we are older than most, but some aren't stronger than the Olympians. Although," Thalassa laughed. "Oddly enough only women are left out of the primes. There are six of us. Chaos, Nyx, Achlys, Ananke, Gaia, and myself. The primordial goddesses."

"Isn't Chaos old?"

"She and Achlys like to argue about who is the oldest, but it's one of those two. Nyx is the third oldest, then Gaia." Thalassa moved around the boat effortlessly. It would tilt to the side, but it wouldn't affect her movement. She wouldn't stumble.

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