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"You are being ridiculous Emily."

"No! I am serious! This is an emergency!" My sister's squeaky voice whines from the other side of the phone.

"Your shoes going missing is not an emergency."

"Yes, it is! I know that bitch Rachel has something to do with it!"

I roll my eyes. "The maid? Why would she steal your shoes?"

"Becauseeeee she's jealous that I'm rich and hot!"

I slide my hand down my face. I can hear her heels pacing back and forth as she obnoxiously cries about some shoes.

"Well, if you know who done it, why are you talking to me instead of Miss Rachel?" I ask. But I know I'll just get a stupid answer in return.

"Because I want you to kill her!"

Knew it.

"Emily, I am not going to kill a maid over some shoes. Just buy new ones. Now, I am busy right now so please, stop annoying me with worthless issues."

"Worthless issues! This is an EMERGEN- "

I hung up the phone before she burst my eardrum.

That girl has some serious issues.

I slid my phone back into my pocket as I heard someone coming through the hallways. A few seconds later I see Amara, looking quite distressed.

"Amara?" I ask as she nears.

She stops walking as she wipes her face before replying. "You're still here?"

I nod. "Just wrapped up with my friend."

"Oh, uhm nice." She begins to walk around me, but I softly grab her arm to stop her. "Are you alright, love?"

She scoffs. "Is it that obvious something is wrong?"

I nod. "Well, yes."

She sighs as she looks up the steps toward her apartment. Seemingly debating something silently before she sits on the bottom step.

I take the hint and sit beside her as I wait for her to continue.

"I just found out someone I love has been lying to me since I've known them. Not a small lie either, a big one. I guess I just don't know how to feel about it." She confides.

Ah, so he finally told her, or she found out.

"Did they tell you, or did you have to figure it out on your own?" I ask.

She chews on her bottom lip. "I found out myself. What's worse is I gave them an opportunity to tell me themselves but...they couldn't trust me."

"I see," I say as I place my hand on her shoulder. "You know. Trust is a big thing. If there's no trust...what really is there then? It seems you can't trust them anymore, and they clearly don't trust you."

She looks at me with tears in her eyes and I swear I felt something in my chest.

"They got mad at me for snooping to figure things out. Now I'm the bad guy."

I shake my head. "No, dear. You are not the bad guy." I pull her into a hug, she smells of vanilla and lilies. "When someone hasn't accepted, they have done a bad thing, they pin anyone they can to be the bad one, to make themselves feel better about what they did."

She sniffles into my shoulder, and I get that feeling again.

I can tell she doesn't want to talk, so I continue.

"You were put into the position to seek answers when someone you deeply care about could not be honest with you." I pull out of the hug and hold her face in my hands. "And Amara I am so sorry you were put into that position."

The girl sniffles before smiling up at me, I give her a smile back as she takes in a deep breath.

"Thank you, Jackson. I appreciate you talking to me, and I'm sorry for dumping all my problems on you."

I shake my head as I let her face go. "No need to apologize. I have nothing to do tonight." I say with a smirk.

She stands up and she gives me one last look with her glossy eyes. "Goodnight."

I stand as well as she begins to walk up the steps. "Goodnight Amara."

On the walk home, I couldn't help but see Amara's teary face, thinking she was a bad guy. It brought up a feeling of rage. I had planned to go home, I really had. But as I walked, I found myself walking towards The Mist's home as I changed into my gear.

I didn't bother to knock; the idiot left his door unlocked.

As I barged in, I saw a young guy.

This is The Mist?

I look to the ground and see the rod and smirk.

Yep, it's him

"Phantom? What the fuck makes you think you can just barge in here?" he asks as he stands. I can tell he's been crying.

Good. He should feel bad.

I hold my hands out to my side "The door was unlocked?" I say as if it's common knowledge that leaving your door unlocked must mean you want to allow anyone and their brother to walk in.

He quickly tried to hide his face, but he must have noticed it was too late.

"Anyways, I am not here to chat. You see, you have really pissed me off tonight."

I can see he's about to respond but before he can I cross the room and punch him in the face. I bring my fist down a few more times across his face with my gloved hand, only stopping when I see blood run from his nose and lips.

I raise him from the floor by his shirt and throw him into the wall, he slides down it trying to strand but clearly is having trouble with his balance.

I walked over to him and pinned him to the wall before taking my knife out of my boot and stabbing it into his shoulder.

"This is what happens to liars," I whispered before taking the knife out and stabbing him into his side.

I could kill him.

I could end this and accomplish my goal.

He deserves it.

But Amara doesn't.

I rolled my eyes as I let him fall to the ground with a thud. He grabs his side and pants as he struggles on the ground. I pick his phone up off the couch and quickly dial the cops, telling them about his state and giving the address, then tossing it onto his body.

"W-why aren't you going to kill me?" He asks as I begin to walk out the door. I stop in the doorway and turn my head to the side.

"Because you have someone who cares for you, who I have no intention to hurt with your death. Not yet. It is only because of them that you live this night. Never forget that."

As I return home, I sit on the end of my bed and run over the events of tonight.

I have never felt such hatred for The Mist as I did when I saw Amara crying like that and downing herself because of his untruthful words.


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