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I had to see him.

It had been a bit since I had spoken to Cody. I wanted to make things right between us because I do see a future with him.

The space has given me room to think clearly. I am sure he has an explanation for all his disappearances, but if we continue, he must be honest with me and tell me why he has been weird. I deserved that.

That is why I was currently racing to his place. I wanted to figure this out sooner rather than later.

Upon arriving I knocked on his door but it opened with the force of my knock. I raised an eyebrow and slowly entered his place.

"Cody?" I called out looking around. There was no sign he was here, no noise, no running water in the shower, no music from the bedroom. It was silent.

I walked inside a little further and tripped over something on the floor, sending me to the ground.

"Shit." I winced as I sat up. I look to my feet and see I tripped over his black duffel bag he takes with him everywhere.

Where did he go without this?

I slowly lean up to the black bag and unzip it. I take a deep breath before opening it up and peering inside.

I furrow my brows as I see...a suit?

I pull it out and examine it when it finally hits me.

This is the suit The Mist wears.

I drop it and bring my hand up to my mouth.

This can't be right...

Cody? MY Cody...The Mist...?

I lean over to look inside the bag again and pull out a small rod, once I grip it the rod extends. I stand up and drop it before walking over to the counter and closing my eyes, trying to steady my breathing.

Suddenly an idea comes to mind. Maybe he is just into cosplay?

I pulled out my phone and opened a recent news article with a video attached of The Mist. I study what features of him I can see before going to my camera roll and pulling up a picture of me and Cody.

It matches, everything matches.

And just like that, everything clicks into place.

The night he deserted me, The Mist saved those kids. In fact, every time The Mist saved something, Cody disappeared.

He was acting like this because he had an entirely secret persona.

Cody by day and fucking superhuman by night.

Should I confront him? No, I will give him an opportunity to tell me himself.

I walk over to the suit and stuff it back into the bag, I grab the rod and raise an eyebrow.

How do I make it shrink...?

I grip it again and nothing happens.

A grueling 5 minutes go by before I finally figure out you hit the bottom of it on the ground to make it shrink. I throw that inside the bag as well and zip it back up, placing it by the door like it was.

I sit on his couch and pull out my phone, sending him a text.

Hey, I am at your place. We need to talk.

And now, we wait.


An hour later Cody comes back, he runs into the door, out of breath.

"Hey...Mara, you are still here." He says walking over to the couch and slowly sitting down. "Are, okay?"

I nod. "Cody, we need to talk. I want this to work out between us, I do. But I can't be left in the dark all the time. I want to know why you ran off, where do you go? Because if you don't tell me I am left to...assume. I have asked you, but I never get an answer. So please, just tell me the truth."

I see him hesitate for a moment as he chews on his bottom lip.

Tell me, Cody, please.

I plead inside my mind. Begging him to tell me. On the outside, I remain collected. In his eyes, he doesn't know that I know anything.

He seems to finally have gathered a thought as he exhales and places his hands on his knees.

"Okay, you're right. I want this to work, and you deserve the truth." He begins as he looks into my eyes before looking down at his hands on his knees.

"I have a huge family, and with that comes a lot of drama. I did not want to tell you because I did not want my family to scare you off. But recently they have been getting into fights and calling me to help. I am kind of like the peacekeeper in my family." He lies.

I sigh. He's a good liar I will give him that.

"Why do you take the bag with you when you leave then?" I ask, trying to see how far he will take this.

"In case I need to stay the night. It has some clothes and an extra toothbrush inside."

He lies again.

"Hm," I say while standing and walking over to the bag before picking it up. Cody quickly stands.

"What are you doing?"

"Heavy bag for just clothes and a toothbrush, don't ya think?" I ask. I reach and begin to unzip the duffle bag as Cody races towards me. He reaches for the bag, but I hold it from his reach before pulling out the Rod.

"Woah, cool toothbrush," I say sarcastically.

"Mara, I can explain- "

"Oh, you want to explain how you have a whole other identity and have been going behind everyone's back and putting yourself in danger, and lying straight to my face for months about it? Now you suddenly want to explain?"

He groans as he runs his hand down his face. "You know."

No shit.

"Of course. I went through the bag when I first got here. I was giving you one last chance to tell me the truth yourself, but clearly, you couldn't even do that."

"Listen it isn't safe- "

"No, do not give me some stereotypical Marvel movie reason as to why I couldn't know." I stopped him. "I want to be with you, through everything. And I want you to feel like you can trust me. But lying to me over and over?" I say as I drop the bag and rod on the ground at his feet.

"Trust, you seriously want to talk about trust. You went through my things without me here! And then tested me on if I was going to tell you the biggest secret I have ever had! Don't act like you are a saint because you aren't!"

I stared at him in shock. How is he trying to make me the bad guy right now? I shake my head as I turn around and walk out, slamming the door behind me.

I need a drink. 

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