Chapter 29 Valery's questions

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Wu Yichen: " No, I still need a few more days to heal and this place seems safe. At least for now."

Noa: " I see."

Valery: "That's great, then you can cultivate your feelings with Mommy." She says with much excitement.

Noa: " Cultivate feelings? I dont remember teaching you such big words."

Wu Yichen: "..."

Valery: " I learned it from a book."

Noa: " You dont like reading."

Valery: "It's true, brother Read it out loud for me."

Noa: If I did not know that there was no one else who could read it for her I would never believe her. After all her son dont like romance novels at all.

Noa: "Do you know where your brother is?"

Valery:" Hmm, I think he is with Lilly."

Noa: " Lilly? but he never went to visit her alone before."

Valery: " He said that he wanted to collect some spider silk."

Noa: What for?

Noa: " Are you hungry?" She asks Wu Yichen.

Being asked this he was about to refuse as he doesn't really like to eat food from strangers and he doesn't need food to sustain himself. But then he saw Valery looking at him with expectant eyes. To him, it looked like she would cry if he refused so for some reason he became soft-hearted.

Wu Yichen: " Yes."

Noa: " I see, Valery, take him to the kitchen together with Gaia and I will get your brother."

Valery: " Yes." She smiles happily and grabs his hand to pull him along and he quietly follows suit. Then Noa went ahead to get Evior. Once she was there she looked around for a while until she found him further in. He is using a stick to collect some spider silk and put it in a basket.

Noa: "What are you going to do with all that silk?" Suprised he drops the stick and looks toward his mother.

Evior: "That's a secret."

Noa: " Oh, how so?"

Evior:"... I am going to make something for you." 

Noa:" So it is a surprise?" She asks with a motherly smile.

Evior: " Yes."

Noa: " Even so, you still need to ask me first if you can take any spider silk."

Evior: "... Sorry."

Noa: " Good, you may keep it now but next time ask first."

Evior: " Alright."

Noa: " Now let's go and I will cook some dinner."

Evior: " Let me collect a little more spider silk first."

Noa: " Alright you have 10 minutes."

( Back to Valery and Wu Yichen)

Valery showed him all the way to the kitchen with Gaia guarding her on the way. As she still doesn't trust Wu Yichen around the children. They sitt down at the table and Valery looks at him with huge curious eyes. Seeing this he gets a little uncomfortable and can not help but to speak.

Wu Yichen: " What is it."

Valery: " How did you get hurt?"

Wu Yichen: "... A child like you doesn't need to know."

Valery:" Hmm, but I am a very mature child. I can handle it." She pouts, thinking that her reaction is cute he can not help but soften a little. 

Wu Yichen: " It was done by a mad woman and a jealous man."

Valery: " Oh, where you and that woman lovers but she was cuckolding you with that man. So they wanted to get rid of you so that you would no longer be in their way?" She says excitedly.

Wu Yichen:"... Do you even know what that means?"

Valery: " No, but brother read it to me from a book."

Wu Yichen: ... What a huge character.

Wu Yichen: " It wasn't like that, the woman wanted to kill me since I dont like her, and the man thought that I was too strong and wanted to get rid of me."

Valery: " Oh, then how strong are you?"

Wu Yichen: " I am a soul master." Hearing this Velery starts to count on her fingers to see just how strong he is and once she gets it her eyes brighten.

Valery: " Oh, so you are level 11."

Wu Yichen:" Yes."

Valery: " Then you are very strong, my mother is only an elemental junior, level 7."

Wu Yichen: " Your mother is also strong but she is not as good as me."

Valery: " Hmp, but mother started to cultivate 6 years ago."

Wu Yichen: " 6 years," he asked surprised.

Valery: " Yes, she said that she was unable to cultivate before that but she was lucky and met someone who helped her out."

Hearing this he doesn't answer her and sitt there quietly. Thinking about something.

Valery:" Then is my mother better than that mad woman?"

Wu Yichen: " Everyone is better than her."

Valery: " Then what do you think of mommy?"

Wu Yichen:" What?"

Valery: " Mommy, is strong, pretty, smart, and caring. Isn't she the perfect wife material?"

Wu Yichen: Does she really want to sell out her mother so badly?

But when she now mentioned it he could not help but think about it. 

Wu Yichen: Well she is pretty and does seem to be pretty caring... she really does seem like good wife material... Wait, did I get charmed by a woman I barely know?

But he quickly calms down as he realizes that this is normal, after all, she did leave a good impression on him, unlike other women who are around his age. It can't be helped after all the only women who would dare to get close to him are those high-ranking misses with huge egos who would do anything to cling to him to gain his favor. After all, while they claim to love him they love his power and status more than him as a person. But that is the norm, even commoners would jump at the chance if they had it. So her not acting like this is refreshing. Of course, it should be becuse she has no idea who he is, but it doesn't seem to be the entire truth. But if what she said is true then she did not grow up in a normal society so she doesn't know the way it works. So. the concept doesn't exist for her.

Wu Yichen: " She is pretty good, but I dont know her well enough to love her." 

Then he hears an angry yell behind her so he looks back and sees a furious Evior.

Evior: " Mommy is too good for you!"

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