Chapter 6 Future planing

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As Xyll is out putting up a ward Noa decides to go cleaning. She starts with the dishes, then she dusts everywhere in the house and finishes wiping the floors. She then takes her time playing with Gaia and after that, she heads to the library the read more books about this world. With Gaia sleeping with her head on her lap. Even after an hour, she has not found anything new or special notes but that is nothing that worries her. After all, she was almost 6 years left it is not until then she is comfortable enough to leave this place unless something happens. She, after all, doesn't want her children to be sheltered, if they are then how can they deal with problems in the future if they are ignorant? She is also aware that street smarts can't be learned through books but she still wants to learn as much as possible. It is better than nothing. But even if she is new to this world as a former soldier she is very adaptable so she knows that it will not take long before she is interrogated into the cultures of this world. She just needs to know enough information in the meantime.

Reading is also relaxing for her, she did not have this much leisure time since before she joined the army. It almost feels like she living in retirement, being at home all day with Gaia and reading the days away. Only she also needs to make medicine, forage for food, and cultivate. Well, thanks to Xyll her biggest problem is going to be solved soon enough. She is finally going to have a plot of land outside her house where she doesn't have to worry about the dangers of the forest. She starts to think about what she is going to do to the land she is going to have. Well, first things first she needs to make a garden and plant beans, herbs, vegetables, and other eatable plants. She also needs it to be so that she can be self-sufficient. She doesn't want to go outside the ward for food again unless there is an emergency. Then she needs to build a stable and a pasture for farm animals, although she doesn't know what kinds of farm animals this world has to offer, what needs they have, and how to get them. Maybe she can ask Xyll for help once she is back at full strength. If she is lucky maybe there are animals here that she can tame as farm animals. If she can choose she would first prioritize egglaying animals, then maybe an animal that reduces milk. It would also be great if she can have an animal she can use as a mount and do farm work.

Then she can maybe build a pond and put fish in it so that she can farm. She also needs a little playground that 3 kids can play around in. After all, Xyll will probably be visiting her with her child regularly in the future. She may barely know her new friend but strangely she trusts her and if the feeling she had with her children in her womb was real she knows that her children like her too. Besides, it is hard to dislike a straightforward lady like her. Maybe she should expand her house in the future or build a guest house, you never know after all. She also wants to plant some fruit trees and maybe a pavilion in the middle of a small flower garden near the pond. Noa thinks that it is very likely that she will return here often in the future even after she explores the world outside the forest. She doesn't know what to do with the animals when she is gone for long periods of time but she will think of something when the time comes. After Noa has read for 2 more hours Xyll comes busting in. 

Xyll:" I am done with the ward and it has some special features I need to tell you about. She says and then looks curiously at the dog in Noa's lap.

Xyll: " Is that a dog?"

Noa: "... Yes, isn't it obvious?"

Xyll: " I have never seen such a unique-looking dog before and just like you it doesn't have n aura." 

Noa: " It is not strange she came with me from my world, she is probably a breed that does not exist here. Although she now looks slightly different than she did back home"

Xyll: "What's her name, what elemental affinity does she have, and what breed is she?"

Noa: " Her name is Gaia, she is named after mother earth a goddess from a now-extinct religion in my world. Her breed is called a great dane and she has Ice affinity."

Xyll: " Why did you name a dog with ice affinity after earth?"

Noa:" Cultivation or any form of other magic did not exist in my world. Our bodies got modified to fit in and survive in this world."

Xyll: " Well now I am 100 % convinced that you are not from this world. Someone from here should not possibly think of a world without magic."

Noa: " I see."

Xyll:" Well back on topic here I have something to give you." She says as she put up an orange-yellow crystal pendant and puts it on Noa.

Xyll:" This crystal controls the ward and you just need to put in a little qi to deactivate it and the ward will only let in people who have put a drop of blood on it. If you want to let someone else go in temporarily they will need to hold the hand of the person wearing the pendant. The same way of the want to go out again. I have already put my blood on it and I will let my future baby do the same. There is one last thing that only this ancient ward is capable of doing and that is no matter where you are as long you have the pendant on you and the people and thing you want to go with is 2 meters or closer away from you, you can teleport back to this place whenever you want." She says excitingly.

Noa:" That is really a great benefit, thank you." She says with a rare smile Making Xyll momentarily lovestruck. But she quickly shakes it off, since when was she attracted to the same sex, she I not. It is just that her smile is abnormally beautiful. Besides, she still loves her husband and will stay with him all her life unless he dies or betrays her. Most human societies may be polygamous but dragon society is very monogamous.

Xyll: "No, I wanted to go the extra mile, besides like a said I wanted to try it out."

Noa:" still,... oh does the array have a time limit, and can it be possible for someone powerful enough to break it?"

Xyll: "Don't worry the array will last for millennia and only a divine array master who knows how to put up this long-lost ancient ward can break it. It is only if they have the crystal controlling it and everyone who can use it is near them. The chance is very slim."

Noa: " Alright."

Noa:" One question."

Noa:" What, I want to build a farm with plants and animals, when you regain your strange can you maybe help me get some domestic animals and maybe some plant seeds like wheat and such? Also, explain to me what kind of domestic animals exist in this world that is easy to take care of and can live in a small space."

Xyll:" Well I only know the basic information, but I can help you ask around in town as i disguise as a human and also help you buy them.

Noa:" Tanks."

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