Chapter 15 First battle

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Noa has read about this magical beast before in the library. This buck-like creature with a cat's face is actually a kind of deer, called a Lumao. Normally a Lumao is a grade 2 magical beast and only with a lot of cultivation did this creature level up to a grade 3 magical beast. Although all magical beasts possess some level of intelligence, the higher their grade, the higher their intelligence is. The Lumaos are notoriously called a beast who threw away its brain. This means that no matter how clever they are they always forget about it in a fight. They are like charging bulls that can shoot lightning. So once Noa entered the barrier, the Lumao did not think at all. It has been captured and this human who entered must be an enemy. It clearly knows that she was not the one who did the deed but it did not matter. It sees a target so it attacks the target. So it uses its front hoof to dig in the ground and readily charge at her.

Noa doges to the side and rolls on the ground, the Lumao smashes into the barrier then backs away to charge at her for another time. Noa quickly stands up so Doge again, although this beast is not intelligent it is still a grade 3 magical beast so she needs to be careful. She can't just fight it head on, she needs a plan or rather she needs to find its weakness. Luckily for her, it has as of yet not used any of its lightning attacks. Instead, it uses the same move again and again and she keeps avoiding it again and again. They are in a stalemate. Until it finally remembers that he really does have a lightning attack so he shakes his head and suddenly his horns are covered with electricity, or rather lightning. It charges again but this time a lot faster and this time Noa almost got hit. Although the horns did not touch her she could still feel the heat that radiated from its electrified horns. She needs to be more careful, she then dodge another attack this time a part of her sleeve got burnt up. Then the Lumao finally stops but instead of charging it is using its horns to form a lightning ball and shoots at her. This time Noa did not have time to dodge so the only option left is to block it. So she channels her qi into her fists and uses an air technique that is one of the first cultivation techniques that she has learned. It is very simple and basic, so much so that evry cultivator knows it as it works with all elements only with slightly different effects. 

In her case, as she is using air, she is creating tiny tornados around her hands, forms her hands into fists, and punches the lightning ball directly. Once on impact a tiny explosion accrues, not enough to harm her but she did move backwards a few meters. Then the Lumao shoots again and she either dodges or uses the same technique that she just has to encounter his attacks.

Noa: I need to find an opening. After thinking that she notices although it shoots out very fast lightning balls, the deer in itself have not moved at all. Maybe it can't shoot and move at the same time? She decides to test that theory. So once he was ready to shoot his next lightning ball, Noa quickly decides to also shoot out a lightning ball, well instead of lightning made out of the air. And just as she thought the Luwao did not move at all so it could only watch as the airball hit his head. But that would not be enough to take down a grade 3 magical beast. So while it is distracted by being hit on his head, Noa quickly runs forwards and takes out a piece of metal she has found laying around in the house. Now when metal cultivator uses their metal element to attack they need an actual metal piece to use it. Unlike the other elements. So they carry swords, chains, and daggers on them to use in battle. It functions like telekinesis but with only metal. Of course, they can still do basic cultivation attacks just like the one she used to punch the lightning balls without a metal piece. But that is not an elemental-specific attack. It is simply using once qi to attack, and since she used air qi it had an air attribute. But if it was a metal attack it would be just pure magic energy that she used.

So when she used this metal piece it would work like shooting a tiny cannon call with magic. But that is not what she did. She did something that was deemed impossible and with no manual to speak of it is to say that this is her own developed technique. Her novice cultivator not only created her own technique but also reshaped how metal techniques can be used. What she did was she turned the metal into its liquid form, split the liquid into tiny balls, solidifies these balls, and shoot them at the Lumao. 1 in each eye, 3 on its neck, 2 on its back, and 1 directly in its heart. The Lumao could not take it and died quickly. What she has done is not only turn the metal into liquid and then made it solid again. But also did something it would take a blacksmith or a weapon matter of a month or years to do or at least hours. She has created a weapon in a matter of seconds and what she has created were bullets. She can change the metal into any form and shape she wants, so in theory, she can do water and Earth techniques bit with metal as a base instead.

Seeing this Xyll was very surprised, it is not like anyone has tried to do this before but no one has succeeded. Yet she who has only been in this world for less them 1 year and had no prior foundation did it. It is simply extraordinary, but if she is the only one that can do this even if she did try to teach others it could bring trouble to her if she is not strong enough to defend herself. She needs to tell her to be careful. But once she thought about telling her Noa fell unconscious. 

My wish came true after deathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora