chapter 33

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i stood in the paddock when zack came with an idea. everyone to write their personal information on a board. oh. and it's written what i have to do. okay so height. 5'6. eye color. green. nationality. monegasque. fav song. bad romance yeahhh. fav element. the moon. i've always wanted to be the moon. it's so beautiful. shining on her own pure light protecting earth. sacrificing itself for us. i've always watched it with jules. when i was little. he told me a story. a girl was living on the moon. all alone. she had no one to play with, to talk with or even look at. only the stars and the view of the earth. the legend says that she's still watching us from the moon and blesses everyone that is kind. well that is just a legend. but i wished i could live on the moon too. by myself.

anyway they posted all of those on the mclaren's instagram page. i sit on the small couch thinking what does that girl think of when she is on the moon? how big a crater is on the moon? how asteroids explode into the moon? i have so many questions but no one can answer them...

"hey lissa"

"i'm delissa. not lissa. i don't like this nickname"

"okay, lissa"


he laughed.

"what's funny?"

"my niece is calling me the same"

"what do you want from my life?"

"i don't know. i saw you so confused and i thought i could help you"


"oh uhm okay"

"i'm sorry. i didn't know i was rude. i'm so so sorry-"

"hey it's okay"

he smiled. i did the same. aww his smile is so cute. wait no. no. no. no. i get a notification on my phone.


bonjour, tu vas bien?
-> hello, are you alright?

oui. pourquoi je ne devrais pas l'être?
-> yes. why i shouldn't be?

J'ai entendu dire que Norris
était revenu en Formule 1, s'il te plaît,
reste loin de lui. c'est le gars qui t'a fait
perdre la mémoire à propos de quelqu'un
-> i heard that norris came back to
formula 1 please stay away from him.
he's the guy that made you lose your
memory about someone

why should i do that? i don't remember that person anyway so it's okay. my mom told me that he hypnotized me or something. he was about to leave.


he turns his away to face me.

"uhm...i have a question"

"say it"

"do you know..."

bad idea bad idea.

"how to cook?"


"not actually. i only know pancakes and fries to do"

"oh alright"

i feel so embarrassed. thank god that emily saved me.

"bob, zack told me he needs you and oscar at some videos"

"okay. bye"

he smiles and goes away.

"so you and lando?"

"nope. i don't feel anything and neither does he"


"i swear ems"


"oh my gosh you're insane"

"i'm realistic"

betty comes too.

"hey guys. what's up?"

"deli likes lando"

"no, i don't"

"aww you do"

"no- ugh you guys are insane"

"deli and lando"

they both scream.

"shut up"


"no. logatrice"

"he's my boyfriend after all"

"can you guys stop being so childish?"


they scream again. i leave the room and go to charles.



"have you seen arthur?"

"uhm...oh yeah. he's talking with lando"

"ugh can you guys stop saying his name?"

"what happened?"

"emily and betty are shipping me with lando and they say i love him"

"maybe you do"

"maybe i don't"

"maybe you do"

"i don't know"

"they you should stay a bit more with him to see if you actually do. see if your heart beats faster when you talk to him or if you feel relaxed around him"

"okay. thanks charlie"

"any time"

end of chapter 33

wattpad is hating on me again😍 deleted forever. now i gotta think about another story😍

love you❤️

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