"Somebody reach out and hold me" | Alien

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Seo Changbin

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Seo Changbin

Adrenaline fluttered through his body, riding the line between pleasure and discomfort. Changbin took a deep breath as he shook out his hands, waiting for that feeling to break into pure excitement.

It was somewhere between the middle of the night and early morning at this point, feeding into the strange and surreal feeling. It was like he had chugged several glasses of coffee and then got hit by a truck simultaneously.

Across from him in the backstage waiting room were his teammates, on chairs in front of light up vanities, with staff working on their stage makeup.

Chan and Jisung were a bit strung up, the two of them more alike than they knew. Seeing them next to each other, mirrored expressions on, made Changbin wonder if Jisung was less mysterious and more of a mini Chan. All those years ago, Chan was a mystery to him too. Chan's people skills were miles above Jisung's, but the way they were both so taken by their emotions was so so similar.

He wasn't like them. That was okay, but he wondered what it was like to be so overcome by your soul like that. The closest he got to it was on stage. Feelings as wild and true as they got. The loss of control, the way the music drove his body in front of an audience was euphoric. It was hard to picture a world in which his feelings drove him like that constantly.

He jumped as multiple hands came on him at once, hair and makeup artists getting to work at the same time. The smell of hairspray in the room already so strong. In every corner of the room sat multiple cameras, recording their every move. He had to try and entertain them, but he wasn't used to that yet either. So he looked into the mirror and focused on the members behind him.

Jisung was grinning and couldn't contain himself. Changbin did a double take every time he caught a glimpse of the curve of those chubby cheeks, upper teeth on full display. Despite his nerves for their debut performance, he had been like that every time Changbin saw him.

The weather is nice

thank you

He had read those words over and over again and could not grasp what that possibly meant. The weather had not been nice. And Changbin would go out on a limb and say that Jisung's soulmate was not a weather controller either. But whatever it meant was keeping Jisung smiling. It was beautiful.

Him and Chan did not know what to make of it. His soulmate was not dead, they were very real, they just apparently weren't talkative at all? It was partially relieving that his fears weren't confirmed, but it made even less sense. What was keeping him from talking? Changbin knew there were people who didn't believe in the validity of the soul links, or hated the idea of soulmates. They hated the lack of choice. There was no real explanation for how and why the links existed. But they were extremely rare. The pure joy Jisung was showing from the contact really didn't indicate that. But what did he know?

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