9."Lost & Neglected: Confrontation Amidst Disappearance"

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Abhimanyu found himself on the other side of happiness and calmness after Ruhi went missing. The void left by her absence was profound, and despite his desire for Abhir to call him papa and be with him, he realized that nothing and no one could fill the emptiness that Ruhi's absence had created. He was adrift, lost, and defeated.

His efforts to search for Aarohi and Ruhi proved futile, and each day brought a new wave of disappointment. Abhimanyu woke up every morning with the hope of receiving information about their whereabouts, only to be met with a crushing sense of defeat.

The Goenkas, feeling the pressure of the situation, urged him to move forward with his life, suggesting that marrying Akshara would provide stability for Abhir. Despite their insistence, Abhimanyu found himself trapped in the shadows of grief and uncertainty, unable to envision a future without Aarohi & Ruhi. The once vibrant spirit of Abhimanyu now grappled with the heaviness of despair, haunted by the echoes of Ruhi's laughter that seemed like distant memories in the silence of their absence.

Abhimanyu, unable to contain his frustration and disappointment, lashed out at Manish and Akshara for their apparent selfishness and lack of concern for Aarohi and Ruhi.

Abhimanyu: (Angry) Bade papa, Akshara, I can't believe the level of selfishness I'm witnessing here. Aarohi and Ruhi are missing, and all you care about is arranging Akshara's marriage with me?

Manish: (Defensive) Abhimanyu, we are thinking about Akshara's future and Abhir's stability.

Abhimanyu: (Furious) What about Aarohi and Ruhi's future? Do they not matter to you? When Akshara went missing for a year, you forgot everything and now, when Aarohi is missing, you're happily arranging Akshara's marriage.

Akshara: (Trying to justify) Abhimanyu, it's not like that. We are concerned about Aarohi and Ruhi too.

Abhimanyu: (Interrupting) Really? Your actions speak otherwise. I can't marry Akshara. I love Aarohi, and I can't accept someone else's child when I have my Ruhi with me.

Manish: (Defending himself) Abhimanyu, you need to understand the practical aspects.

Abhimanyu: (Firmly) No, bade papa, I need you to understand the emotional aspects. Your partial behavior towards Akshara and Aarohi is tearing this family apart. When it was Akshara missing, you were frantic. Now, when it's Aarohi, you're nonchalant. It's not fair, and I won't be a part of this indifference.

Akshara: (manipulating him) Abhimanyu, think about Abhir's future. He needs a family. We can provide that for him.

Abhimanyu: Akshara, don't use Abhir to manipulate me.

Akshara: (Emotional) Abhimanyu, we can be a family. Abhir deserves both his parents.

Abhimanyu: Akshara, let's be clear. I always thought Aarohi was selfish, but you take the cake for selfishness. You portray yourself as a sacrificer, but in reality, it's just a facade. When your sacrifices don't go futile, you resort to emotional drama and paint others as villains.

Akshara: (Defensive) I've always done what's best for this family. I sacrificed my love for Aarohi's happiness.

Abhimanyu: Sacrifice? Akshara, your sacrifices have a pattern. You create chaos, do emotional drama, and then play the victim. I won't let you use Abhir as a pawn in your game.

Akshara: (Angry) You never understood my pain.

Abhimanyu: Akshara, I understand pain, but your way of dealing with it is toxic. I won't let you disrupt Abhir's life with your manipulations.

Akshara: (Trying to soften) Abhimanyu, please. We can make it work for Abhir's sake.

Abhimanyu: No, Akshara. I won't let you manipulate this situation. Abhir's well-being is my priority, not your attempts to recreate a family for your own interests.

Manish: Abhimanyu, we understand that Abhir needs a stable family. You can provide that for him.

Abhimanyu: bade papa, a few months back, Ruhi also wanted the same. Did anyone bother about her wishes? No, because it didn't fit the narrative. And now, when I'm not interested, you are forcing me into an unwanted relationship with an unwanted person.

Manish:Abhimanyu, this is about Abhir's well-being. He deserves a complete family.

Abhimanyu: And Ruhi didn't deserve the same? You conveniently forget her wishes. It's not about what Abhir deserves; it's about your convenience.

Manish: Abhimanyu, we are just trying to ensure a stable future for Abhir.

Abhimanyu: Stability for Abhir shouldn't come at the cost of forcing me into a relationship I don't want. Ruhi also deserved stability, but no one cared then. Don't use Abhir as an excuse for your convenience now. The echoes of your partial behavior between Aarohi and Akshara years ago have resurfaced in the way you're handling Ruhi and Abhir now.

Manish: (Defensive) Abhimanyu, I've always endeavored to make decisions in the best interest of the family.

Abhimanyu: But those decisions have left a trail of consequences. Years ago, your favoritism towards Akshara was apparent, and now it seems to be Abhir's turn. What about Ruhi? She and Aarohi have left, and your actions have played a role in that departure.

Manish: Abhir needs stability, and you both can provide that.

Abhimanyu: (Firmly) And what about Ruhi's stability? Your decisions have neglected her, reminiscent of how you favored Akshara in the past. Now, your preference is evident in fulfilling Abhir's every demand, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Ruhi and Aarohi have already left.

Manish: Abhimanyu, we are trying to secure a stable future for everyone.

Abhimanyu: (Accusing) It appears more like history repeating itself. Your bias is once again tearing this family apart, and I cannot stand by silently while Abhir potentially suffers the consequences of your partiality, much like Ruhi did. We need to address and rectify this pattern before it inflicts more damage on family bonds.

Akshara: Abhimanyu, you need to understand that I'm just trying to provide stability for Abhir. It's not about favoritism.

Abhimanyu: (Disapproving) Akshara, let's not pretend. You've always been and will always be your bade papa's favorite child. For him, no one matters except his granddaughter, you.

Akshara: That's not fair. I'm just doing what's best for the family.

Abhimanyu: (Skeptical) Best for the family or best for you, Abhir and your this child? Ruhi and Aarohi have already left, and your actions, supported by bade papa's favoritism, have played a significant role in that.

Akshara: Abhimanyu, I can't control their decisions.

Abhimanyu: (Assertive) But you can control yours. It's evident that you're enjoying the benefits of being the favorite child. This isn't about what's best for the family; it's about what's best for you and, indirectly, bade papa's perspective of a perfect family revolving around you and Abhir.

That's enough. I can't continue with this farce of a family. I need both of you to leave and never come back to me for anything. I'll be there for Abhir, our son, but nothing more than that. I'm done. And let me make this clear, if you try to take Abhir away from me, I won't hesitate to pull out a restriction order. I hold the custody, and I'll protect Abhir until he turns 21. This is the end of our association beyond co-parenting. Leave.

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