7.Penance in Paradigm

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As Abhimanyu stood still, clutching the paper, Akshara cautiously approached him, attempting to snatch the letter. However, Abhimanyu's expression hardened, and he roared, "Don't you dare touch this letter!" His voice echoed through the room, a forceful warning that halted Akshara in her tracks.

Akshara: Abhi, I can't believe you're defending Aarohi. She's trying to ruin our happiness!

Abhimanyu: Akshara, let's face the reality. Aarohi doesn't need to snatch anything that was never hers. I'm not "Akshu kah Abhi" anymore. I'm Aarohi's fiance now. And let's be clear - I never agreed to marry you again. That was a story cooked up in our minds.

Akshara: (Indignant) What are you saying? We were supposed to build a life together.

Abhimanyu: (Assertive) No, Akshara. We were living in a fantasy. I need to be honest with myself and with you. Aarohi deserves the truth, and so do you. We can't build our happiness on a foundation of lies and false promises. It's time to face reality and move forward, even if it's not what we initially thought.

Akshara: (Angry) You're just letting Aarohi manipulate you! We had plans, a future together.

Abhimanyu: (Firm) This is not about manipulation. It's about acknowledging the consequences of our actions. Your accusations have pushed Aarohi away, and I need to address that.

Akshara: (Defensive) I never pushed her away. She's the one causing trouble.

Abhimanyu: (Confronting) Akshara, you need to take responsibility for your actions. Your constant blaming and accusations have contributed to this situation. We need to confront the truth, not hide behind false narratives.

Akshara: (Desperate) Abhi, think about our child. We were going to be a family.

Abhimanyu: (Serious) I am thinking about your child. They deserve honesty and a stable environment. And its not our child Akshara its your child

Akshara: (Accusatory) So, you're just abandoning us for Aarohi?

Abhimanyu: (Clarifying) No, Akshara. I'm not abandoning anyone. I'm choosing truth over illusions. We need to address the root of the problem, not perpetuate it.

Akshara: (Resentful) This is unfair, Abhi. You can't just change your mind.

Abhimanyu: (Resolute) Life is about adapting to the truth, even if it's uncomfortable. We can either face the reality and work towards a healthier future or continue living in a facade that will eventually crumble. The choice is ours.

Manish: Akshara is right, Abhi! Aarohi is just causing trouble. We had a perfect life before all this drama.

Manjari: (Lashing out) Manish ji, don't be naive! Everything was fine for six years until Akshara's sudden arrival with Abhir and this unwelcomed child ruined everything. Aarohi had her place here, and now we have to deal with this chaos.

Manish: But Aarohi left Abhi at the altar. How can we trust her?

Manjari: Trust? What trust are you talking about? This family was functioning smoothly until Akshara barged in with her own agenda. Aarohi may have made mistakes, but Akshara's actions have disrupted the peace we had.

Manish: Akshara deserves a chance to explain herself.

Manjari: (Scornful) Explain what? How she disrupted our lives, accused Aarohi, and brought this unwanted and unwelcomed child into our family picture? We don't need her explanations; we need her to leave.

Manish: Manjari ji, we can't just push Akshara away like this.

Manjari: (Firm) Manish ji, it's time we prioritize the stability of this family. Aarohi had her chance, and now Akshara has proven to be a disruption. We need to make a choice for the sake of our family's well-being.

Abhimanyu: (Nodding) I agree. Akshara's sudden return has indeed disrupted our family.

Manjari: (Addressing Akshara) Akshara, it's evident that your presence here has created chaos. We were doing just fine without these complications.

Akshara: (Defensive) I have my reasons for coming back. It was for Abhir

Manjari: (Firm) Akshara, your sudden return has disrupted the peace we had for six years. We can't allow this chaos to continue. Abhir's well-being is our priority, and right now, staying here is not in his best interest.

Abhimanyu: (Supporting Manjari) Akshara, maybe it's best if you take some time away. We need to figure things out for the sake of Abhir and the family.

Manjari: (Concluding) Akshara, we need stability, and your presence is causing more harm than good. It's time for you to leave.

Akshara: If Abhimanyu won't marry me, I'll take Abhir away with me. He deserves to be with his mother.

Manjari: (Disapproving) Akshara, resorting to emotional manipulation won't change our decision. Decisions about him shouldn't be based on ultimatums.

Akshara: (Defiant) He's my son, and I won't let anyone keep us apart.

Manjari: (Firm) Abhir's custody is under Abhimanyu. We won't let you use him as a pawn in this situation. If you truly care about his well-being, you should consider what's best for him.

Akshara: (Resentful) You're all ganging up against me. I won't let anyone take my child away.

Manjari: (Concluding) Akshara, this is not about taking sides. We need stability, and your threats won't change our decision. If Abhir's well-being is your concern, leaving for now might be the best option. We will address his needs appropriately.

The passage of a month had only deepened the fractures within the family. Abhir, now residing primarily with Akshara in the Goenka house, visited the Birla house only on weekends. Manjari, in an attempt to maintain some semblance of order, had imposed restrictions on Akshara's presence in the Birla house and even in the hospital.

Abhir, caught in the crossfire of the family's turmoil, faced the challenge of navigating between two households with strained relationships. The weekends, meant to be a time of bonding and connection, became a reminder of the growing chasm within the family.

As the situation worsened, the Birla house echoed with a palpable sense of loss and disarray. The family, once tightly knit, now struggled to find common ground. The aftermath of decisions made a month ago had left scars that seemed irreparable, casting a shadow over what was once a harmonious family dynamic.

(P.s - Kairav and Abhimanyu part is still left. It will be in next chapter)

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