3: Watching Road to the Famous Castle

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"Oh, you're not two are not local! Even better." He throws pieces of metal in the air at Ethan and Y/n. Everyone apart from Ethan again freeze in horror, Heisenberg though looks like he wants to run away cause of the looks that the girls are giving him.

Heisenberg hides him self in his chair, hoping that it will hide him from the others. Two of them stabs Y/n and Ethan in the shoulder. Oh god, he's dead. Heisenberg thinks in his head as the girls glare at him for hurting their little Y/n. "Mother Miranda's gonna love you two!"

Mother Miranda shakes her head. The only one that she was gonna love is Y/n. He chuckles as Ethan and Y/n is clad in metal and stones. In the next scene, a man is dragging a handcuffed Ethan while holding Y/n on his shoulders through a tunnel.

"At least you can do something right, uncle." Daniela states. "Quit your whining: we're almost there!" He scoffs a Ethan, Ethan's vision goes black. "Is he dead yet?" Y/n asks as Mia laughs. "Unfortunately not, love." Mia says.

Ethan glares at Y/n while looking heart broken to Mia. But Mia couldn't careless about him. Soon Ethan hears the voices of some woman, but his eyes are closed. "Its you mother." Bela says as Lady Dimitrescu smiles at pats her head making her daughter lean into her hand.

Y/n watches the scene with a warm smile. "The man is of no real use to anyone else. And my daughters do so love... entertaining foreigners. Also I can take great care of the maiden." Y/n blushes at what she said at the end.

Her getting looked after by this tall beautiful women, that would be a dream....Mia laughs at Y/n's blushing face. Lady Dimitrescu rises a brow at her, and winks at her making her even more red. The room chuckles.

"Furthermore, I can assure if you entrust the mortal to House Dimitrescu, my daughters and I shall deliver to you the finest cups of his slaughter blood." Ethan eyes widen in horror. Some women mutters as Ethan opens his eyes...

And sees some creepy doll and a strange deformed freak right next to him. "I am not a creepy doll?!" Angie yells as Donna nods while glaring at him. "And do not say that about Moreau." Mother Miranda says, shocking Moreau who looks at her with wide eyes.

"Out of the way, ugly! I want to see—" Moreau sighs, Angie looks at him with a sadish look, "Sorry Moreau." She mutters as Moreau looks at her with wide eyes. Is everyone okay today? he asks himself.

"It's fine." He mutters, Angie smiles and nods. The doll cuts herself off when she gets in front of Ethan she laughs, "Oh! He's awake!" Y/n rolls her eyes, "Unfortunately." Mia sighs at her. "You mean—Y-You mean...?"

The deformed freak try's to ask as the man with the hammer from before rolls his eyes. "That's not nice, calling him that." Mia mutters, "Both of you, shut the fuck up!" He shouts as the doll runs to the women in the corner and sits on her lap.

Y/n smiles, "That's so cute!" Ethan looks around and see that the man with the hammer was sitting on a chair opposite to the tall women who was smoking with her thing. "Are u doing a ritual on him."

Y/n asks as the daughters bust out laughing, Mia sighs again and just pulls her closer to her. Then in the centre was Mother Miranda, "What...? Where...?" Ethan mutters as he man with the hammer turns to the tall woman across from him.

"Yo mean you'll screw around with them in private, and where's the fun in that?" Y/n's eyes widen with a blush. 'S-Screw?' she mutters in her head. He scoffs before turning to Mother Miranda.

"Give them to me and I'll put on a show that everybody can enjoy." Mother Miranda sighs, knowing that it's gonna show what she was thinking. Y/n smiles at Mia when she pulls her closer to her chest, she cuddles into Mia's arms.

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