your father left and you closed your door. you went into your closet again and picked out grey flared sweatpants and the matching grey cropped zip up sweater. you put on a white crop tank underneath.

you put on deodorant and sprayed perfume all over yourself. you then put on white socks and grabbed your LV purse and put in your wallet, airpods, hand cream and your versace glasses that had you matching with suna's.

you quickly did your makeup in front of your vanity that included; mascara, concealer, your eyebrows, blush and contour. not to forget your lipgloss. you decided to just leave your hair down for today.

you finally finished getting ready and went downstairs, closing your door behind you and locking it. now in the kitchen, your siblings sat at the island counter, leaving the seat in between them open for you. atsumu was the first to notice you and waved.

"morning n/n, come eat." your mother said as she placed your plate on the counter in front of your seat.

you sat down and smiled, "thanks, ma. smells good." you sniffed the food. pancakes and spam with a side of seaweed.

you took a bite of everything at once, smiling at the combination in your mouth. your mother is already dressed up, light pink flowy blouse and khaki dress pants. she had an important case this morning so waking up early was a priority for her.

"hurry up kids, i bet all of your other teammates are there already." your father came rushing down the stairs, clapping his hands together loudly.

atsumu scarfed down his food and got up to put on his volleyball shoes. he then went over to the door and put on his vest, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"i am ready." atsumu responded as he hiccuped from eating so fast.

you snickered at him and put your dishes in the sink after you just finished. osamu followed after you and then you both got down from the chairs and headed over to the front door. you slipped on your ugg slippers and osamu put on his matching volleyball shoes with atsumu.

"bye mom!" you and your siblings said in sync, waving as atsumu opened the door and rushed towards your dads car in the driveway, so did osamu.

you put on your black puffer vest and followed right behind your brothers. your father was behind you and locked the door. the car was open as the twins huffed their duffle bags into the trunk.

you always sat in the front when riding with your brothers since it made more sense for them to be in the back together. everyone was seated in the car and your father was driving on the main road, you snatched up the aux cord before your siblings got the chance to.

"nobody wants to hear your ass music!" atsumu whined as he watched you plug the cord in your phone.

"suck my cock tsumu." you scoffed and stuck out your tongue at him. you slipped off your slippers and placed your feet on top of the seat, knees against your chest.

"you see how she talks to me?" atsumu addressed your father.

"you don't even have one.." osamu mumbled as he looked out the window. you replied with 'duh' and he only rolled his eyes at you.

"stop talking to your brother like that, y/n, inappropriate." your father lazily scolded, making a left turn.

you only nodded, knowing you were going to talk to your siblings however you wanted anyways. you wondered if suna was ready for the game as well but you imagined him sleeping on his bed with his clothes on. you giggled at the imagine in your head.

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